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You Want Me to Do What? Journaling for Caregivers

You Want Me to Do What? Journaling for Caregivers

Author: B. Lynn Goodwin
Website: http://www.writeradvice.com/ywmtdw.htm
Reviewed By: Anne Holmes for the NABBW

You Want Me to Do What? Journaling for Caregivers Reviewed by:  Anne Holmes for the NABBW

This is a fantastic little book for caregivers who are looking for a way to relieve their stress. Journaling is a perfect stress-buster, and author B. Lynn Goodwin has personal experience to her credit.

This book is small enough to fit into your pocket, so that you can journal whenever a free moment hits – or make a free moment by taking it into the bathroom with you!

Author Goodwin says, “Think of it this way: Remember how the flight attendant on the plane tells parents to put on their own oxygen masks before they try to assist their children? The same thing applies to you as a caregiver. You have to take care of yourself, or you\’re no good to the person you\’re caring for. Journaling is your oxygen mask.”

Over fifty million caregivers spend every spare minute driving to medical appointments, stopping at the pharmacy, cooking, answering questions, paying bills, and helping with matters that used to be private.

Journaling for Caregivers allows users to process their stress and celebrate what is right. And this book gives you open-ended instructions on spilling your guts in the safety of a private journal. Best of all, it offers two hundred sentence starts to help you start the journaling process.

Highly recommended.

Anne Holmes NABBW’s “Boomer in Chief”

As "Boomer in Chief" of the National Association of Baby Boomer Women, Anne is passionate about educating, empowering and enriching the lives of Baby Boomer Women, as we now begin to age beyond our middle years and enthusiastically launch ourselves into life’s next stage – which most people call old age. We Boomers know aging doesn’t have to diminish us. We still have a lot to offer the world, and we continue to be ready and willing to enthusiastically participate.

Actively involved with a number of Boomer-focused organizations and committees, Anne keeps a steady finger on the pulse of this still-spirited generation, with the goal of helping us all to enjoy life, stay healthy and continue to live lives that are rich in every sense of the word. Beyond that, Anne is dedicated to helping facilitate the positive interaction between Baby Boomers and the hard-working younger generations who are readying themselves to “take the world’s reins” and continue our efforts to move society in a positive direction.

Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.