Baby Boomers—Sandwiched Between Retirement and Caregiving

This is the final word for those who are edging into the responsibilities associated with caring for aging parents. There is nothing: no question, no dilemma, and no quandary that is not addressed in this thoughtful, thorough tome of information. Written in interview form, author Sandra Haymon’s voice is clearly heard as she explains and reminisces about the needs of her aging mother and stepfather. As a licensed psychologist, she defines behaviors to assist the reader with understanding. Haymon admits that even with an extensive background in psychology it was difficult for her to recognize warning signs of need and an ability to care for oneself when her parents were in the beginning stages of decline. Her tone is kind, caring, and empathetic. This is not instruction from a distance—from the outside looking in— this is experience and knowledge combined in an easily read source of support.
Use the glossary for clarification on often-used terms. Use the list of websites, organizations for assistance with aging adults, and financial guidance to get optimal results for yourself and those you care for. There is simply no better resource for the sandwich generation to have on-hand as they set out to serve aging parents effectively with compassion and a greater understanding.