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Baby Boomer Women and The Four Keys to Weight Loss

Baby Boomer Women and The Four Keys to Weight Loss

By Sue Stevenson, Ph.D.

Sue Stevenson, Ph.D.

As a Baby Boomer woman I understand that over the years the demands of career, family, and daily life too often mean that our health and wellness, our time to take care of ourselves, can get lost in the shuffle.

It is so easy to put off doing things for ourselves by saying, “I don\’t have time for that right now”, or “I\’ll get around to that sometime”. Whether you have had trouble losing the extra weight and keeping it off with dieting or if weight has just crept up on you the dilemma is the same.

How do we get ourselves to make the decision and the commitment to be healthier and finally achieve success with our healthy goals?

When we were younger our metabolism was likely higher than it is now. We didn\’t put on weight as quickly and could lose weight with less effort. When we were younger we could get away with sketchy eating habits.

However, if you are like most Baby Boomer women you are carrying around excess weight. Those extra pounds may mean a future with decreasing physical ability, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and possibly an earlier death. That is no way to spend the rest of your life.

As you look back on your life I am sure you have achieved some goals. What if you could create a future where good health is your #1 goal? What would need to happen for you to get there?

Here are four keys to achieving your goal:

  • Figure out what you want. How do you want to live the rest of your life? Get specific and clear. Do you want to be more physically fit? Do you want more energy and independence for as long as possible? How much weight do you want to lose? What if you could have what you want? I believe you can.
  • Make a list of all that you get as a result of getting to your goal. This will motivate and entice you along your journey. What will losing the weight and being more fit allow you to do, have, and be that is important to you?
  • Make the decision to have what you want and commit to doing what it takes. Make the decision to do it now, not later. You are ultimately in charge of your weight and your health. It is time to make the time. Don\’t put your good health off any longer. Imagine your life if you don\’t make your health a priority.
  • Take action. There are many paths to health and weight loss. Whether it is with a weight loss center, online support, a weight loss coach, or friends, find what works best for you. Decide what small steps you will take along the way with your healthy goal continually in mind.

Think of yourself as a Baby Boomer Boomerang! With sustained effort you keep coming back to your goal until you achieve your healthy, ideal body once and for all. Be persistent, committed, and consistent. It will be worth it. You can give yourself the gift of looking back over your life knowing you did what it took. You made time for yourself, achieved better health, and became a role model for others to follow.

Go on – Baby Boomer Women – show us how it\’s done!

Sue Stevenson, Ph.D., is a Weight Loss Coach in Tucson, Arizona, who works with individuals and groups to help them reach their weight loss and fitness goals. She uses innovative techniques like hypnosis and NLP. Her strengths are in identifying the blocks to weight loss and using techniques to resolve those blocks. For more articles and her blog visit her website at http://www.yourtucsonweightlosscoach.com.

Sue Stevenson Sue Stevenson, Ph.D.


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