  Wednesday - March 26th, 2025

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Support for the Survivor: BE REAL

What can you do when someone reveals abuse?

B – Believe her and believe in her*

E – Educate yourself; share your knowledge

R – Reassure her that is was not her fault

E – Empower with information and resources

A – Ask what you can do and do your best

L – Listen without judgment to what is said

*It is estimated that at least 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will be a victim of abuse violence in their lifetime. The female pronoun is used for both genders.

Created by Lynn C. Tolson, author of Beyond the Tears: A True Survivor\’s Story founder of The Project for TEARS: Telling Everyone About Rape & Suicide
Lynn Tolson Author and Founder of Project for TEARS: Telling Everyone About Rape & Suicide

After her first eighteen years in the Northeast, Lynn Tolson moved to the Southwest where she engaged in careers in real estate and property management. During those years, she survived post-traumatic stress disorder, which manifested in addictions and suicide attempts. Through the therapeutic process, she determined the causes of her dysfunction and was able to ultimately achieve a life that reflects health and happiness. Her memoir, Beyond the Tears: A True Survivor's Story (1st Books), illustrates physical, emotional and spiritual transformation. Tolson lived in the Midwest for nine years, where she returned to college to obtain a degree in Social Work. She is the founder of Project for TEARS: Telling Everyone About Rape & Suicide. She currently resides in the Rocky Mountain region with her husband and two energetic West Highland White Terriers.

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