  Friday - February 7th, 2025

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The Joys of Senior-hood

I will always remember receiving my first letter from AARP. I had just celebrated my 40th birthday and thought the letter was hilarious. Each year thereafter, I\’ve received a letter.

Soon the AARP letters would send me running to the mirror scrutinizing my face for every perceived wrinkle. And let\’s not forget counting each and every strand of grey hair!

The closer I got to the BIG 5-0, the less funny it became. In fact, I became downright upset that someone I didn\’t know would keep sending me these messages that “I\’m getting older.” Who needs to be reminded anyway? The nerve and cheekiness of them!

By the time you read this I\’ll have reached the HUGE 6-0 and have finally made my peace with AARP. I now willingly open their mail and look for whatever the newest ‘thing\’ is for “us seniors.” I can\’t believe I just called myself a ‘senior\’. Times have really changed.

Just the other day someone called me “mam” and I smiled. I remembered the first time that happened; I looked around for my Mother because surely she (20-something) could not have been talking to me.

Growing up, I always thought of 60 as being old. The people in my community exhibited ‘old\’ traits; they humped their shoulders, shuffled their feet and seemed to age overnight. Some of them even started to speak with a feeble voice.

Now many years later, I\’m thrilled to see 60-year young exploding the myths about “old age.” You exhibit vibrant, radiant health and live youthful exuberant lives. You\’re highly selective and demand the best.

You\’re passionate and enthusiastic about living your dreams and creating a ‘new world\’. You\’ve entered into this new passage (retirement) earnestly looking to use your skills and talents to better your environment, add to your personal value and create joy in the moment.

You\’re ready to put all of the information from the self-help, self-improvement courses you\’ve taken to use in a new way. Let me tell you a secret, the truth is you have so many ideas; you\’re not quite sure how to channel them to work best for you.

Just imagine choosing one idea. Choose the experience you want from this idea. What makes you most happy and gives you the greatest joy? Now think the best possible thoughts around this idea.

Put no restrictions or limitations on the idea. Be unreasonable in your desires to make the impossible possible. As you imagine all the impossibilities, see and feel your redefined self as you experience creating infinite desirable possibilities.

Vividly imagine yourself creating the possibilities. See the brilliant colors, feel the silky textures, hear the melodious sounds, smell the aromatic scents and taste the perfectly blended spices. The more vivid the images, the more often you see them the more quickly you move from impossible to possible. You\’re intelligent enough to know that the more attention and focus you give to something, the more quickly it becomes a part of you.

Many of my clients, just like you, were helped to identify their passion, gain clarity and focus to redefine themselves. Redefining and reinventing gave them the freedom to use their endless supply of knowledge and energy to create joy filled lives.

To learn more about creating infinite possibilities and experiencing your powerful self, Inez Bracy, Life Coach and Author invites you to get a free e-book at www.secretsofpowerfulwomen.com.

Inez\’ talk show, Living Smart and Well is heard weekly on www.blogtalkradio.com/InezBracy, Monday, 12:00 Noon, EST. This show is designed to empower you to live your best life now by speaking to your body, mind and spirit.

Inez Bracy is an expert in initiating personal development growth via customized training, coaching, and speaking services to organizations and individuals. She works primarily with high performers, boomer women and decision-makers, whether independent or within a corporate setting.

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