  Friday - March 28th, 2025

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Age and Travel: Who Is Too Old For Group Travel? Probably Not You!!

By Phyllis Stoller
NABBW’s Associate for Group Travel

 We were again asked this week whether The Women’s Travel Group has an age limit on the upper end?Stollar elephant transport

As you know, we regularly travel with women aged from 30 on up. But potential first-time WTG travelers still regularly ask us what the health standards are — not just to come along, but join the tour and be assured that they will be able to have fun.

To best answer these questions, since your physical capabilities — and each trip — are unique, we like to answer with a few questions of our own, which I’m including here:
  • First, did you ask the staff at The Women’s Travel Group about specific distances of walking, driving etc on the itinerary you like?
  • Are you mobile in your daily life? Can you handle steps without a bannister? If you’re not well balanced, are you NOT self conscious about asking one of us to hold your arm? If yes, to either of these, you will be fine.
  • If you move slowly in the morning (this is not always age-related), are you capable of being organized and  on time even if you have to set your clock a few minutes earlier?
  • Can you work out your medicine needs in various time zones and without angst? And has your doctor given you a good supply of preventatives?
  • Can you tolerate long bus rides in places like India where we do have 1-2 longish days?
  • Are you comfortable coming on the trip alone — despite having friends saying you are nuts?

Stollar gentle yoga IndaiAlways feel free to call us and ask specifically if a trip will be appropriate for you.

So who has been our oldest traveler? We’re not telling, but she was upwards of 80+.

And will our insurance will cover someone of your age? Don’t worry about that either.  The answer is yes.

Phyllis Stoller, NABBW’s Group Travel Associate is founder of The Women’s Travel Group, a tour operator which specializes in smart vacations for smart women, was recently honored as one of the 14 most influential women in Group Travel by Group Travel Magazine. The Women’s Travel Group works with travel agents and is a strategic partner of SITA World Tours.

For solo women travelers who do not yet know her, Phyllis also founded The Women’s Travel Club. Both it and The Women’s Travel Group cater to women travelers, especially those traveling solo on group tours and cruises.
Phyllis will personally escort trips to Sicily and India in 2014.

Find more of Phyllis’ travel tips on her blog at and on Facebook at “toursforwomen,” where you can feel free to ask Phyllis your travel questions.

Travel Tip and Encouragement from The Women’s Travel Group, shortly off to France and Italy in May!

Phyllis Stoller Group Travel

Phyllis Stoller, NABBW’s Group Travel Associate is founder of The Women’s Travel Group, a tour operator which specializes in smart vacations for smart women, was recently honored as one of the 14 most influential women in Group Travel by Group Travel Magazine. The Women’s Travel Group works with travel agents and is a strategic partner of Sky Vacations.

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