The Holiday Diet: How to WAKE UP on New Year\’s Day THINNER than You are NOW!
The holiday season is fast approaching as evidenced by the displays of Halloween Candy on each and every counter top in America. As we all know all too well, the holidays present a multitude of stresses that together can create the perfect ‘fat’ storm. Of course, front and center, the main event of the season is the food! Ever-present platters of holiday cheer in one form or another, enticing, calling your name day-in, day-out, morning, noon and night from Halloween through the New Year.
I’m wondering? How are you going to make it through the Holiday Glaze? Might you wake up on New Year’s Day fatter than you are now? Seriously, folks! You might want to think about it now and actually ‘create’ these next few months so that they support you and your health and weight management goals. If you don’t take control now, the “Devil’s Food” will take you over!
Here, Our Lady of Weight Loss and Janice Taylor, 50 pound big-time-loser (that’s me!), share 9 tasty tips from their inspired new e-program!
“The Holiday Diet: How to WAKE UP on New Year’s Day THINNER than you are NOW!”
Remember … Holidays are essentially just like any other day in life. They are filled with ups, downs, glitches and unexpected happenings. Whatever your expectations might be for this holiday season, I invite you to of lower them!!! NOW! And remember … No one has read the script you’ve written for them. Nor – frankly – have you read the script they have written for you!
Jot down a list of the qualities you like most about yourself and bring the list with to all holiday gatherings, in particular, family events! Read them early and often!
It doesn’t matter that he was bigger than you, elbowed you, teased you, took your favorite toy and smashed it! NO! It really is NOT relevant in the NOW. Let go of the past!
Just because your mother and your grandmother, your sisters and every female in your family (or male – if any men are out there) are fat, it doesn’t mean that you have to accept the family genes, does it?
Did you know that the average Thanksgiving dinner ranges from 2,000 to 4,500 calories? Did you know that one pound equals 3,500 calories? Let’s get a grip and put calories into perspective.
Dump it! Sorry to shock you like that, but whatever and whenever there are leftovers, dump them immediately. Halloween candy? Dump it! Christmas cookies? Dump them!
Bring a camera to events (again, family ones in particular!) and give yourself a journalistic assignment. Photograph the food before eating! Taking photos of the food creates an opportunity for you to pause and consider the food and your actions. Any time you can create a ‘moment to pause and reflect,’ you are practicing mindful eating. A good thing to do!
Remember … No one is perfect. That’s why pencils have erasers!
There is no such thing as will power; only want power. You have to want to wake up thinner more than you want that slice of pumpkin pie! How will you exercise your want power muscle?
REMEMBER: Contrary to the agreed upon reality, you do NOT have to gain 6 or 7 pounds this holiday season. Create a new reality. Join with us as embark on The Holiday Diet! Let’s start a new tradition: WAKE UP THINNER on New Year’s Day!
Spread the Holiday Diet word … NOT the EggNog!