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If your girth is increasing while your happiness is decreasing…

If your girth is increasing while your happiness is decreasing; if you feel like you are about to explode and/or implode, then read this!

Here follows an email I received from one of my readers (a.k.a. Tushkateers*) that I am sure we can relate to. A valuable lesson that will help you permanently lose weight!

Dear Janice (a.k.a. Our Lady of Weight Loss) ~ I have zero will power. I can\’t stick to anything. I am tired of all this weight I have on my hips, thighs and belly. I just don\’t know how to get rid of it. I keep eating too much all of the time! Help!!! ~ Jennifer V.

Dear Jennifer ~ Before you begin your healthy eating plan, might I suggest that you first look at the belief systems that are present in your language!

Your subconscious mind is taking in everything you say, embedding those thoughts and acting upon them. Basically, this is a powerful example of negative self-hypnosis! Let\’s take a look at what you say …

  • “I have zero will power.” Zero? None whatsoever? Please think of a time – even if only for a brief minute – that you did exhibit will power.
  • And … as I love to say, “There is no such thing as will power; only want power.” You have to want it enough – no if, and or buts – about it.
  • “I can\’t stick to anything.” Another blanket statement! Really, nothing whatsoever, at all???
  • Instead of saying, “I can\’t stick to anything.” Say this: “I don\’t know how to follow my food plan, YET! I am investigating, exploring and discovering ways to make this work for me. One step at a time.”
  • I am tired …” is a tiring statement. How about, “I am ready to work at this and change the way I think, talk and eat.”
  • get rid of it.” What might it be like to say \'”I am exploring ways of letting \’it\’ go?” I don\’t know about you, but – for me – getting rid of something feels a bit aggressive. If it works for you – okay – but I kind of steer my brain toward a gentler way – how about \’let go of the excess weight?\’
  • “I am eating too much all of the time.” All of the time? Another blanket statement. AND – “I am …” is an identity statement. When you hear yourself saying “I am …” remember that you are defining yourself, in this case as a person who eats too much all of the time. How else might you define yourself, in a positive way?
  • Language is important. Our actions follow our thoughts. Your first step to permanent weight loss is listening to and observing your thoughts, your words, the phrases that you spin and then, if need be, stop and rewrite them.

    How much better do you feel now that you are infusing positive language into your thoughts and beliefs?

    Thanks to Jennifer for sending in your email that is ripe with delicious learning and possibility. ~ Janice

    Sometimes just our language can send us spinning into a negative space of feeling overwhelmed.

    Take 3 minutes now (here\’s a link to an online stop watch) to write down just how you are – today – going to explore, investigate and discover how to change your thoughts and actions, in the most positive terms possible.

    Spread the word … NOT the icing!
    For more weight loss and wellness wisdom, visit Janice:
    Our Lady of Weight Loss

    Janice Taylor Weight Loss Coach

    Janice Taylor, is a Weight Loss Coach and Certified Hypnotist. She is the author of Our Lady of Weight Loss: Miraculous and Motivational Musings from the Patron Saint of Permanent Fat Removal and creator of the popular e-newsletter Kick in the Tush Club.

    Posted in:
    Weight Loss & Diet
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