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Want the Most from Your Second Half of Life? Should You Get a Job, Volunteer – Or Both?

TWO New NABBW Teleseminars This Week! ~

Tuesday: “How to Get A Job – Again” and

Thursday: “The Match Game – Where Do YOU Volunteer?

Featuring “Second Blooming” Authors Kathleen Vestal Logan and Betsy Smith with Their Second Blooming Associate, Diane Hawkins


Two Great Teleseminar Topics, both related to : “Getting the Most from Your Second Half of Life
Hosted by: NABBW
With Guest presenters: Kathleen Vestal Logan and Betsy Smith, Ph.D., authors of “Second Blooming for Women: Growing a Life That Matters After Fifty” and their associate, Diane Hawkins
When: Tuesday, May 24th and Thursday May 26th, 2011 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time (7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain, 5 PM Pacific)

Kathleen LoganBetsy Smith

From left to right, “Second Blooming” authors Kathleeen Vestal Logan, E. L. (Betsy) Smith, Ph.D. and Second Blooming associate Diane Hawkins.

Last month NABBW invited Kathleen Logan and Betsy Smith, authors of “Second Blooming for Women: Growing a Life That Matters After Fifty,” to talk to us about Thriving After 50.

They did, and the call was fantastic! Many of you asked for more from Kathleen and Betsy. You wanted to talk about how we spend our time: Working, Volunteering, or both?

So we\’ve arranged two more calls, one on each topic: If you\’re seeking strategies to allow you to bloom anew, then these calls are for you. Both are FREE, scheduled to last an hour, and promise to be chock full of useful information. Plus! We invite you to invite your friends to be on the call as well.

Here are some of the topics we will cover on these TOTALLY NEW and vitally important 60 minute teleseminars:

Tuesday May 24th – “How to Get a Job… Again”

As older women, we often face slightly different challenges in our job search. For example, we may have gaps in our employment history. Not to mention that we must effectively deal with ageism, and be comfortable with social networking, as a recruitment tool. During this call, Kathleen and Betsy will answer typical job-search questions, including:

  • How do I find out where the jobs are?
  • What is the first thing I need to do?
  • What kinds of resumes are there and what should I include in mine?
  • How do I stay motivated after being rejected for a job or, worse, ignored?
  • Do I have to do this “networking” thing? Why? How?
  • What and where are the best places to network?
  • How do I use social media to enhance my job search?
  • Why is it important for me to know my values, vision, passions and purpose before I start looking for a job?
  • What are companies looking for in potential employees?
  • What will make me stand out from other applicants?

Register for our call on “Getting a Job Now!”

Thursday May 26th – “The Match Game — Where Do YOU Volunteer?”

Many of you have volunteered all your lives. Others are just now finding you have more time available to you, and are becoming interested. Maybe a friend or family member is involved in a voluntary role and you’ve found it potentially appealing when they’ve described their experience to you or perhaps something you’ve seen on TV or read in a newspaper or magazine has pricked your conscience and you’re feeling a desire to help a particular cause. On the other hand maybe you’ve always been passionate about a specific cause and you’ve started to think that you can do more to help.

Whatever your reasons, volunteering can be one of the most positive things you can ever do. What you’ll get back in return for the efforts you put in will make it seem so worthwhile but it’s not something to take on lightly and you should ask yourself a number of questions before you decide to go ahead with volunteering. On this call, Betsy and Diane will cover crucial questions like:

  • Why should I volunteer?
  • Why do I need to think ahead of time about where to volunteer? Aren’t all the opportunities worthwhile?
  • What do you mean by saying I should look for a “return on my investment” of volunteer time?
  • What are the consequences of a poor match between me and where I choose to volunteer?
  • Why is it important for me to know my values, vision, passions and purpose before I commit myself?
  • What questions should I ask before making a commitment? What do I need to know about the organization itself?
  • How do I respectfully decline an invitation if it’s not a good match for me?
  • What’s required for me to be an effective volunteer? (meetings, responsibilities, training, time, talent, money, etc.)
  • How do I recognize when I’ve made the right choice? Or when it’s time to leave?
  • Is there a limit to how many activities I can participate in effectively?

Click this link to register for our call on “Successful Volunteering.”

For more information on the call, and to download a free worksheet that you can use while listening to the call, here\’s all you need to do:

  • Reserve two hours for yourself this week: coming Tuesday, May 24th and Thursday May 26th. Both calls are at 8 PM Eastern time. That\’s 7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain and 5 PM Pacific. Then click the links above to register:

Participate in this call and you\’ll be able to embrace the second half of life with optimism, self-understanding and enthusiasm. You\’ll learn how to say again: “My life matters.”

These calls are FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC so be sure to tell your friends about this event! Come, be inspired, learn to let yourself \’grow!\’

“How to Get a Job…Again” — TUESDAY May 24th at 8:00 PM Eastern Time.

“The Match Game: Where Do You Volunteer?” — THURSDAY May 26th at 8:00 PM Eastern Time.

Why not treat yourself and register for BOTH calls?

Presented by the National Association of Baby Boomer Women

NABBW Contributing Author

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.