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NABBW Teleseminar: “How to Get Back Your Sexual Mojo and Reignite Your Passion”

Rabbi Ed Weinsberg, Ph.D.Teleseminar Topic: “How to Get Back Your Sexual Mojo and Reignite Your Passion”
Hosted by: NABBW
With Guest presenter: Rabbi Dr. Ed Weinsberg, the “Prostate Pro”
When: Tuesday, February 8, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time (7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain, 5 PM Pacific)

Register now:

This complimentary online workshop, presented by Rabbi Dr. Ed Weinsberg, the “Prostate Pro”, will help boomers and seniors revive intimacy after prostate problems and other illnesses.

Boomer women are impacted when such illnesses cause sexual dysfunction for the men in our lives. In fact:

  • Boomer men constitute one-third of the 200,000 new prostate cancer cases every year in the U.S.A. alone
  • There are some 2.2 million survivors
  • As we all know, such health issues tend to increase with age

Since prostate cancer is the most prevalent non-skin male cancer that eventually affects one in six men, this webinar has intrinsic interest for most of us.

Rabbi Ed will address these issues as a healthcare educator and intimacy coach with a doctorate in gerontology. He is a prostate cancer survivor and the author of an Amazon bestseller, Conquer Prostate Cancer: How Medicine, Faith, Love and Sex Can Renew Your Life, and its companion website, ConquerProstateCancer.com.

Register now:

Join us for the webinar and you will discover . . .

  • Why intimacy is the key to self-healing
  • The importance of making love versus having sex
  • 5 major obstacles to intimacy and sexuality after a major illness
  • How to discuss intimacy and sexuality with your doctor
  • 6 reasons men or women don’t have sex or don’t want it after major illness
  • 10 strategies for reigniting sexuality and intimacy after a major illness
  • The S-T-I-C-K Method of sensate focus for whole-body sex – a key strategy
  • How to redefine what it means to be a man or woman
  • 5  things you should never say when your spouse or partner cuts off intimacy
  • The most important thing you can say or do to reignite intimacy

Conquer Prostate CancerRegister now while this event is fresh in your mind. You can watch this information-packed webinar online to see the visuals that will accompany the presentation, or join us by telephone.

I look forward to hosting this event and hope you can join us!

— Anne Holmes, NABBW Boomer-in-Chief

NABBW Contributing Author

Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.