  Tuesday - March 11th, 2025

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Tax Strategies for Women

By Jennifer Hipkiss CFP®, EA, MSFP for the NABBW Women are poised to be the leaders in wealth management over the next decade, with an estimated 40% of women controlling assets over $600,000 in America1. Unfortunately, taxation can erode growth of wealth and useable financial resources for your goals – what you earn net of […]

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Is It a Good Time to Sell Your Antiques and Heirlooms?

Is It a Good Time to Sell Your Antiques and Heirlooms? By Julie Hall, the Estate Lady Special to the NABBW It is no secret that the economy stinks. You don\’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that people\’s wallets are well-guarded these days. However, it always surprises me when people call […]

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5 Tips to Cope with the Financial Crisis

Many women are frightened as they watch the changes the economy is going through. Women account for roughly 50% of the boomer population and typically outlive men. The uncertainty about the future and the changes that are happening make women wonder what they should do and what do the changes mean to them? Here are […]

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3 steps to Prepare, Protect and Prosper Your IRA in 2009

Don\’t let the panic of Wall Street and the uncertainty of the economy stop you from saving and investing with your IRA or 401(k). Like real estate, which is expected to show some signs of rebounding toward year end, the market will eventually rise. Yes, it may be awhile and no one has a crystal […]

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3 steps to Prepare, Protect and Prosper Your IRA in 2009

Don\’t let the panic of Wall Street and the uncertainty of the economy stop you from saving and investing with your IRA or 401(k). Like real estate, which is expected to show some signs of rebounding toward year end, the market will eventually rise. Yes, it may be awhile and no one has a crystal […]

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3 steps to Prepare, Protect and Prosper Your IRA in 2009

Don\’t let the panic of Wall Street and the uncertainty of the economy stop you from saving and investing with your IRA or 401(k). Like real estate, which is expected to show some signs of rebounding toward year end, the market will eventually rise. Yes, it may be awhile and no one has a crystal […]

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Traps women fall into – Thinking that a man is a financial plan

Many women, particularly those of baby boomer age and older, rely on a man to be their financial plan. This is mainly due to conditioning that started in childhood. The typical couple used to consist of the husband who was the breadwinner, and the wife who was the homemaker and mother. Women were not encouraged […]

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Five Ways Sandwiched Boomers Can Think Positive in Tough Times

These are unprecedented times. With the breakdown of traditional financial institutions, the wildly fluctuating stock market and the 700 million dollar government bailout, Americans are confused about how to respond. Some are in denial, not prepared to grasp the problems and potential consequences. Others are angry at what they see as awarding recklessness on Wall […]

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Can You Afford to Live to 100?

It\’s no longer a stretch to think about living to 100. According to researchers at the New England Centenarian Study at Boston University, there are 80,000 American centenarians alive today, and the U.S. census bureau predicts nearly 500,000 by 2040. With advances in medical technologies and research, improved geriatric medical care, and higher incomes which […]

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