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Boomer Women’s World – October 2010

October 2010

Anne Holmes - Boomer in Chief at NABBWHappy Halloween – Today’s the first major holiday of the Fall season and a fun way to celebrate my favorite season of the year – Autumn!

But even after we’re done with the ghosts and goblins, the pumpkin carving and trick or treating, there’s something about the cooler days that really makes me want to roll up my sleeves and get things done! Maybe it’s the last vestiges of the ol’ “beginning of the school year” feeling.

Regardless, we’ve harvested a cornucopia of goodness for you this month, starting with our new feature, “NABBW Prime Finds.”

Once you check them out, be sure to enjoy the rest of this monthly issue. It features a handful of fabulous book reviews, fascinating member interviews, and a slew of fantastic member news…

Just what you’re looking for on a fine Fall day like today!



P.S. Remember, NABBW is dedicated to supporting you and helping you live the best life possible. Be sure and use all your benefits, and if you\’re not yet a member join now! Exciting things are happening here!

Please take a moment to send me your thoughts, ideas, suggestions. You know me, I’m always listening!

Anne L. Holmes, APR
“Boomer in Chief”

www.NABBW.com, www.BoomerWomenSpeak.com, www.BoomerWomensWorld.com
www.BoomerLifestyle.com, www.BoomerDomains.com, www.BoomerCo.com

NABBW Prime Finds

Martha Stewart has her “Good Things,” and Oprah has her “Favorite Things,” but today we want to introduce you to ten of what we call “NABBW Prime Finds.” These are cool tools, websites and products which we have checked out, know you’ll love — and can’t wait to share with you!

Let’s start off with some products and services operated by NABBW members:

New Mexico Soap Company:

    Handmade soap from New Mexico Soap is a personal treat and a wonderfully thoughtful gift! These delightfully scented soaps are hand made with all-natural ingredients, and many of them also feature oatmeal and wholesome, oil- vitamin- and mineral-enriched New Mexico-grown pecan nut meal (not the shells) as a gentle exfoliant which is also a pure and natural skin moisturizer.

    Soapmaker Diane Black, an NABBW member, notes that “the pecans have huge health benefits and since your skin is your largest organ, your pores imbibe the nutrients.” Who knew pecans contain 70% oil, including Vitamins A, E, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, several B vitamins, zinc and more.

    You’ll be amazed at the variety of soaps offered by New Mexico Soap, so be sure to check out the site. In addition to basic bar soap in well over a dozen scents– like apple, coconut, cucumber melon, oatmeal milk & honey, and lavender and goatmilk — Diane features designer bars in dozens of shapes and designs – including red and green chile shapes, which come in Santa Fe cinnamon or lime scents. (No chiles are actually involved in the creation of these fun-shaped soaps.)

You Did Good:

    Looking for a simple and lasting way to honor someone’s good work? So was NABBW member Patti Nagel when she had the inspiration for her blog, Making the World Whole.

    Nagel explains that after losing her step dad in March of 2009 she found herself writing for his funeral about the ways he “did good,” and later envisioned the entire world as a puzzle with each individual inhabitant as a piece of that puzzle with the ability to contribute to the wholeness of the world.

    As she says, “An individual can at times feel so insignificant within this vast universe yet it is comforting to know that each life is needed for the bigger purposes of healing the world.”

    It made sense to her that as we each take responsibility for “our piece” of the puzzle we will in turn connect to the space that holds us all together…the energetic web, the divine essence, the one same source that is within all of us and by doing this we will feel that we are all in this together.

    The next step was to develop the You Did Good blog, which she sees as the missing piece… a place where members can post messages recognizing good work done by others. If you want to share a story of someone who “did good,” register on the site, contribute by posting your story to the blog, and once it is approved, Patti helps you share it with the world.

    Naturally, Patti has incurred some costs to creating and hosting her blog. It is supported by sales of two painted wooden puzzle pin designs, which Patti sells on her site. She has also chosen Philanthropiecepiecing together a better world – as the recipient of a portion of her pin sale proceeds.

    Philanthropiece is a US 501(c)3 operating foundation which engages in broad-based community development and empowerment, building healthy and sustainable communities. Their current geographic focus is in North and Central America. The Foundation works in selected developing communities on locally defined projects that focus on education, health initiatives, quality of life, environmental issues and business and economic opportunity.

  • The “You Did Good” design is to acknowledge anyone who received it for doing good
  • The “One Piece” design supports the making the world whole one piece at a time initiative…

Empty Nest Support Services:

    If you are an empty nester – or will become one soon – you ought to check out NABBW Associate Natalie Caine’s web site, which offers some great advice, based on the personal experiences of the empty nesters in its community. Natalie is frequently quoted by the media. And no wonder – she really understands life in transition and has some interesting insight to share.

I’ll Be Seeing You (Music CD):

    This recently released CD of Big Band standards as performed by NABBW member Vicki Lynn King has fast become one of my favorites. I like to listen to it when I am working, as the songs are easy to listen to, and beautifully performed. Among my favorites: “It Had To Be You,” and “I’ll Be Seeing You,” but they are all delightful. I hope we’ll be hearing more from Vicki!

Boomers and Work

    If you are looking for a job – or even contemplating a whole new career, there are several sites I recommend. First, don’t panic. There ARE jobs available, and with a little ingenuity I am sure you can find something that meets your needs. Here are some NABBW Prime Finds related to find work and generating income…

    Start with NABBW Associate Dumont Gerken Owen. She’s offering free teleseminars on Boomer Job Search techniques on 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month at noon ET. Checkout her site, Opening Windows to Career Success for more details and to sign up.

    R Trent Thompson’s new ebook, Jobless at 50: Where to Go From Here is your next step. Thompson is President of Boomerous, an organization dedicated to providing Baby Boomers with the necessary knowledge, community, and insightful inspiration to quench their never-ending thirst for life.

    His book includes invaluable tips and links to important online resources that you can start using immediately. It covers launching an encore career, entrepreneurship after 50, resume-writing and interview tips, handling age discrimination, best cities to find work, areas of best job growth, age-friendly employers and how and when to use a job coach.

    Next check out Encore Careers. I can\’t think of another site that\’s a better authority on what it takes to boost your job search or create a whole new career for boomers and seniors. Times have changes, as you know. Where once the average 50-something American was headed straight toward a leisure-based retirement, complete with retirement party and the gold watch.

    Not anymore. These days, you’re bound for a dramatically different destination, a new stage of life that includes work. You want jobs that supply money and meaning, especially if you’re going to do them for another decade or two. Sad to say, the search for work with purpose is often an intimidating do-it-yourself project. This site can help. You’ll want to subscribe to their newsletter too, so you can get frequent updates and tips.

    And don\’t neglect Vocation Vacations. This site is perfect for you if you’re thinking of changing careers entirely. The site connects you with mentors who help you “try before you buy.” Yes, you get to work in a new career before you make the jump. AND, they’re also looking for career mentors.

    So if you love what you do, have done it for at least five years and would enjoy sharing your work with clients (“vocationers”) who dream of following in your footsteps, consider becoming a Vocation Vacations mentor!

To wrap things up, here are a three services to make your life easier – and maybe more fun…


    Here\’s a great opportunity for grandparents who like to read to their grandkids, but don’t always have the kiddos close at hand to snuggle up with: Readeo is a video web chat program that lets you read books together from a distance.

    Readeo offers a growing library of digital children’s books—with one fantastic twist: read them whether you’re in the same room or thousands of miles apart. They cleverly call this "book chatting" and all you need is a web cam and high speed internet. If you are comfortable with technology you’ll immediately grasp how to use this fantastic app, but it wouldn\’t take much to train you if you’re not…

Just5 phone:

    Although designed for seniors, this phone is really great for anyone who just wants a cell phone without all the bells and whistles of a smart phone. Here\’s how the marketers describe it: “ Just5 offers mobile phones that are designed for audiences that require five basic features: ease of operation, big buttons, amplified sound, a long-lasting battery for reliability, and an emergency SOS button.” Primary target audiences include seniors, people with poor eyesight or hearing problems, people with medical conditions that require constant care, and kids who need a “starter phone” with basic functionality. There’s a terrific demo video on the site.

The ObitKit:

    What a simple, practical and worthwhile workbook! In a nutshell, it includes all the questions that – if answered – will ensure your obit reflects the legacy you want to leave.

    If you\’ve ever had to write an obit when a family member or friend has died, you\’ll no doubt appreciate what a great guide this is. It ensures accuracy and keeps your survivors from having to try and recall the details of your life you would want shared.

    BTW, the creator, Susan Soper, writes a wonderful blog at Legacy.com.

Boomers In The News

Here Are Other Articles of Interest:

Recent Forum Topics

I continue to witness women encouraging others in our Virtual Village at Boomer Women Speak Forums.
Won\’t you join us?

Here\’s a peek at some topics we\’re chatting about:

Quotes for Living

“The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.” ~ William James

“Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.” ~ Margaret Peters

“I\’m not going to limit myself just because people won\’t accept the fact that I can do something else.” ~ Dolly Parton

Monthly Columns from NABBW Associates

Lisa Byrne: Boomer Women\’s Fitness
Is Your Personal Trainer Working for You? Or Is It Time To Move On?
Natalie Caine: Empty Nest
7 Things Nobody Ever Tells You About Empty Nest
Deborah Clark: Gaedening Expert
Why Not Plant the Adaptable, Dependable Chrysanthemum in Your Garden This Fall?
Ronda Del Boccio: Entrepreneutrial Authoring
How to Write A Book Using Expert Interviews
Jed Diamond, PhD, LCSW: Male Menopause & Irritable Male Syndrome
Barbara E. Friesner: Eldercare
Happy New Year!
Regina Leeds: Organizational Skills
The Guest Room
Diane MacEachern: Going Green
Tax Credits Can Help You Save Money and Shift Green – But You Must Act Fast
Sherrie Mathieson: Fashion
“In your face” Style is Getting More Outrageous…for Some it’s Always Halloween
Dumont Gerken Owen, Ph.D.: Women & Work
Women Boomers: Promote Your Unique Soft Skills And Win the Interview or Promotion
Barb Tobias: Gaedening Expert
Living the Life of “RE”: How to REcycle, REnew, and REstore
Mary J. Yerkes: Living with Chronic Illness
Adjusting to Life with Chronic Illness

Teleseminars in November

Diana Kirschner / “Yes, You REALLY Can Find True Love in 90 Days”
Dr. Diana Kirschner Ph.D. is a love expert, media psychologist and bestselling author. She will be sharing key secrets for creating the companionship and love you want—in an exclusive teleseminar for Boomer women based on her bestselling book, Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love, as seen on the Today Show, the Fox Morning Show and in The New York Times. Dr. Diana’s sage love advice for Boomer Women is also the focus of a PBS Pledge Special on love. Find out more about Dr. Diana here www.LoveIn90Days.com/
Tuesday November 9th, 8 PM Eastern (7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain, 5 PM Pacific)
60 minute call

Ann Leach / “5 Steps to Holiday Grief Survival”
Bereavement coach Ann Leach will be discussing her 5-step Life Preservers process for shifting beliefs about death from grief, fear and dread to acceptance and celebration. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could learn to make peace with grief before the upcoming holidays? Ann will share her story and outline the steps she teaches. Learn more about Ann at www.LifePreserversGriefSupport.com
Thursday November 11th, 8 PM Eastern (7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain, 5 PM Pacific)
60 minute call

Review Our October Teleseminars

Lynn Tolson
Recording Domestic Violence: Why Does She Stay? Why Doesn’t He Stop?

Dr. Dorree Lynn
Recording Sexuality and Intimacy for Grownups

Mary Beth Izard
Recording Boomerpreneurs: How You Can Start Your Own Business, Make Money and Enjoy Life

Introducing NABBW’s Newest Associate. . .

Deborah Clark is NABBW’s New Gardening Associate

Deborah ClarkDeborah Clark says she might never have taken up gardening if she hadn’t had neighbors who shared their love of gardening with her – but moved away.

It all started in 1973, she says, when a departing neighbor invited her to take care of an already-planted community vegetable garden plot: all she had to do was weed and harvest. She was hooked.

The following year, another departing neighbor left behind a copy of Rodale’s iconic book, “Organic Gardening” which gave her a solid basis in organic techniques.

Once she discovered her naturally green thumb, her love affair with plants grew to include growing herbs, house plants, perennials, annuals, and fruit trees. She also began hunting botanicals in the wild, including herbs, mushrooms and edibles as well as plants that offered fiber and other decorative elements.

Since that time, Deborah has had the opportunity to garden her way around the United States:

  • She has grown vegetable and flower gardens in the United States on the West coast, the Southwest, the mid-Atlantic, the Midwest, and New England.
  • Or, you could say, she has gardened in USDA hardiness zones ranging from 4b (which gets down to 25 below zero) to 10 (which gets no colder than 25) — and in all kinds of soil.
  • Which is why we are delighted to welcome Deborah as our newest Associate, specializing in Baby Boomer’s favorite hobby – gardening.

She and a partner (local nurseries and landscapers call them “The Girls”) have owned and operated a part-time garden design business for 21 years, creating designs primarily for residential clients, though they’ve also done some commercial jobs, including small businesses and condo developments.

  • They began in 1989 wanting to give alternatives to the lawn fetish and create more diversity in the landscape of their community.
  • Back then, the variety of available plants was limited, so they began frequenting private sales and specialty nurseries where they collected unusual varieties.
  • For the past 10 years they have held spring plant sales where they pot up many of the unusual perennials from their gardens and offer them for sale on a Saturday morning.

We are delighted that Deborah has agreed to share some of her gardening expertise with our NABBW community. If you have questions for Deborah or would like to suggest a topic for an upcoming post, please post them in the box below.

Product Reviews of Interest to Baby Boomer Women

Reviews are a service we provide for NABBW Members. Email us for details.
Once submitted, please allow ample time for reading/reviewing. Books and other products will not be returned.

Click Product Titles to Read and Thumbnail Image to Purchase

The Reindeer KeeperThe Reindeer Keeper
By Barbara Briggs Ward
Water Running DownhillWater Running Downhill
By Joan Ellen Gage
Wai-nani: High Chiefess of Hawai’i Her Epic JourneyWai-nani: High Chiefess of Hawai’i Her Epic Journey
By Linda Ballou
Sex for Grownups: Dr. Dorree Reveals the Truths, Lies, and Must Tries for Great Sex After 50Sex for Grownups: Dr. Dorree Reveals the Truths, Lies, and “Must Tries” for Great Sex After 50
By Dr. Dorree Lynn Ph.d
Naked in Eden: My Adventure and Awakening in the Australian RainforestNaked in Eden: My Adventure and Awakening in the Australian Rainforest
By Robin Easton
Beyond the Tears: A True Survivor’s StoryBeyond the Tears: A True Survivor’s Story
By Lynn Tolson
Fifty and Fabulous: The Best Years of a Woman’s LifeFifty and Fabulous: The Best Years of a Woman’s Life
By Jaki Scarcello
Don’t Ask And I Won’t Have to Lie: 50 is the New 30 and Other Tall TalesDon’t Ask And I Won’t Have to Lie: “50 is the New 30” and Other Tall Tales
By Beverly Mahone

Featured NABBW Member . . .

EllynAnne Geisel

EllynAnne GeiselNABBW member and apron archaeologist EllynAnne Geisel (pronounced “Guy’ zull” ) is the force behind the website, Apron Memories , dedicated to celebrating aprons and the women who wear them.

Known as “The Apron Lady,” she is also the creator of National Tie One On Day™ recognized by Chase’s Calendar of Events as a day honoring the humble apron and the spirit of women of earlier generations who have worn it.

Celebrated on the eve of Thanksgiving, with the goal of helping to “put the ‘give’ back into Thanksgiving,” EllynAnne encourages us to celebrate by wrapping a loaf of bread in an apron and tucking a prayer or note of encouragement in the pocket before delivering the bread to someone in need of spiritual or physical sustenance.

This year, the 5 th annual National Tie One On Day will be celebrated Wednesday November 24 th and Geisel is pleased to announce that Jessie Steele ™ , the leader in the fashion apron trend, has partnered with her, to raise awareness and participation. “As apron designers and apronistas at heart, we’re natural partners,” she says.

November 24 2010 - National Tie One On Day“We’re excited to begin promoting National Tie One On Day ,” says Claire Steele, CEO of Jessie Steele . “This first year we’re focusing on a campaign through our website to get people celebrating the day, a giveaway of goodies for five lucky winners from Jessie Steele and a host of sponsors, links, instructions and a beautifully designed downloadable note card.” (Note: NABBW is also a sponsor.)

EllynAnne first tied on domestic armor in 1999, while writing an article about aprons. In the process she was struck by the history she knew must be woven into the fabric of that vintage garment. Since then she has gathered more than 400 aprons and apron memories from across America and used them to curate and write Apron Chronicles: A Patchwork of American Recollections , a traveling exhibit managed by The Women’s Museum of Dallas , which is a Smithsonian affiliate.

Wherever she goes, Geisel says, women line up to speak to her share their apron stories. Aprons remind them of home, of their mother, and they love sharing that story. "Aprons don\’t hold us back — they take us back," explains Geisel, who says she is thrilled at the renewed appreciation for aprons.

These days EllynAnne creates inventive vintage-inspired designs for her company, Apron Memories®. Her collection of aprons has been featured in Vogue, the Wall Street Journal and Country Living, and Bree on the hit ABC television show Desperate Housewives has worn her creations.

Geisel is also the author of the award-winning The Apron Book: Making, Wearing and Sharing a Bit of Cloth and Comfort, now in its sixth printing, Apronisms: Pocket Wisdom for Every Day and the newly published The Kitchen Linens Book: Using, Sharing, and Cherishing the Fabrics of Our Daily Lives.

As the apron expert, EllynAnne was featured in the current (Nov/Dec 2010) issue of AARP magazine, as well as in articles recently appearing in the Dallas Observer, Houston Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and The Globe and Mail. She in a contributing blogger for the Huffington Post and has appeared on CBS News Sunday Morning, and NPR’s Weekend All Things Considered.

The mother of two sons, EllynAnne lives with her husband in Pueblo, CO.

Meanwhile, Jessie Steele’s 20th Century inspired hostess aprons and domestic-chic ensembles confirm that aprons make the perfect fashion accessory in or out of the kitchen. Founded by mother and daughter team, Helena and Claire Steele, in fall 2001, the Jessie Steele brand is sold in over 3000 stores and 20 countries, appeared on Oprah, Desperate Housewives and 30Rock, and been featured in Sex in the City 2 and numerous leading national media

Who knew the humble apron could become so newsworthy?

Funny Video


NABBW Member News

Dumont Gerken Owen
Dumont Gerken Owen is hosting another free job-getting teleconference Nov 2 at Noon EDT. “Is Your Resume Getting You Interviews? Eight Ways to Improve Your Response Rate and Land the Job.Register Here.

Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D. & Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D.
Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D. & Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D. held a Virtual Book Tour at their blog, www.NourishingRelationships.blogspot.com, on October 27. It featured parent educator, Dr. Ilene Val-Essen, who answered questions about her recently published book, “Bring out the BEST in Your Child and Your Self”. Since it was all virtual, you can still check it out!

Mary Anne Hahn
Mary Anne Hahn held a teleclass on how freelancers can attract clients using Twitter as part of the “Profitable Business Building Strategies for Freelancers” Telesummit that took place from Monday, 10/25 – Friday, 10/29. The calls were recorded, so contact Mary Anne if you’d like to learn more.

Barbara Hannah Grufferman
Barbara Hannah Grufferman reports she is doing a series on “Life After 50” in her blog on the Huffington Post. First topic: “How You and Your Spouse Can Be a Couple Again” addresses empty nest topics.

Natalie Caine
Natalie reports that she recently interviewed Minerva Award Winner, Carolyn Blashek and shares a link to the interview with you.

Katherine Cargill
Katherine has entered a women-owned business competition and am reaching out to friends to vote for her site. “Would you please vote for Wild Webbies and ask your friends to do the same? This is a pretty big deal for me and I think I have a great shot! Go to www.vator.tv, log-in (very simple just an email and pass word) and click on the blue box on the top that says ‘Competitions.’"

Barbara Briggs Ward
Barbara has just published "The Reindeer Keeper," a heartwarming Christmas story geared to adults or anyone who can remember back to that feeling of truly believing in Santa Claus. Look for the book review elsewhere in this issue.

Susan Santangelo
Susan reports she was recently interviewed by Mindy Todd’s “The Point” radio show on NPR about Baby Boomers and her baby boomer mystery series. Enjoy the interview here.

Chloe Jon Paul
Chloe Jon Paul announces a link to view her recent teleseminars. www.EnteringTheAgeOfElegance.com/teleseminars.php

Naomi Giroux
Naomi has been very busy lately with a number of projects, but wants her fellow NABBW writers to know about her site, www.Stimulating-conversation.com, which is a support system for writers. “We have many services to help authors ‘get the word out’ about themselves and their products. Author websites, marketing assistance and tons of free information,” she says. She also promotes educated consumers in the area of healthcare. “I have a book that will come our soon and a website in development. It is important to teach people how to protect themselves and their loved ones when dealing with healthcare systems. I worked in the system for over 30 years.”

Lynn Goodwin
Lynn shares that her Writer Advice Manuscript Consultation Service can help you with brainstorming, organization, drafting and polishing anything from a flyer or newsletter to an essay or a book. Click the link for more details.

Kathleen Gage
Kathleen Gage advises that she works with spiritually aware speakers, authors, coaches and consultants who are ready to turn their knowledge into money making products and services. If that describes you, contact her at Street Smarts Marketing

Anne-Marie Hood
Anne-Marie writes that her story, “Take It Or Leave It” is published in Eric Bowen’s recent release: “Wisdom Of Our Mothers – Stories and Poems by Daughters and Sons” which is available through Amazon.com, or familiabooks.com. She’s delighted that Mr. Bowen is donating one-half of the proceeds from the sale of his book to shelters that assists women and their children escape from abusive relationships in honor of mothers who are doing their work through challenging circumstances.

Diane Black
Diane Black, owner/Chief Lather Maker of New Mexico Soap, home of unique regional designs capturing the history, agriculture and the art of the Southwest, has just introduced a new gift ensemble perfect for holiday gifting, bridal party favors, other special occasions and even for a self-pampering purchase! The Genuine New Mexico Soap Body Gear Kit contains five items, including two bars of soap of your choice (with 34 to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect scents or shapes for everyone) packaged in a forest green gift bag. All soaps are hypo-allergenic, non-animal tested, and contain no detergents, sulfates, surfactants, sugar solutions or animal products (other than powdered goat milk). Order online and save!

Erica Miner
Erica Miner invites you to listen to a new interview she did with publisher Valerie Connelly of Nightengale Press and Hot Radio Now about her coming-of-age in the 60s novel ‘FourEver Friends.’ Look for the week of September 13 through September 20, 2010.

Judith Sherven
Judith and Jim announce their latest virtual conference on Soft Sell Marketing. “Bridging Heart and Marketing IV” is a very unique virtual conference for service professionals who don’t like to sell. Featuring 11 Soft Sell Marketing Training Sessions with TOP trainers — including Mark Joyner — the Godfather of Internet Marketing — (he even invented the eBook!) Here’s your chance to stop selling yourself short and worrying about offending your customers, develop your heart and integrity-based marketing, and enjoy the financial rewards of this new spiritually-grounded approach!

Roberta Allen
Roberta Allen, author of FAST FICTION, and THE PLAYFUL WAY TO SERIOUS WRITING, invites you to join her and her workshop members at their reading, to be held at Greenwich Village’s legendary Cornelia Street Café, on Monday September 27, from 6 — 8 PM ET. She has also scheduled two new writing classes for those of you who live in the Manhattan area: She is offering a Beginning Writers Intensive on Saturday 11/13, from Noon – 4 PM and a Beginning Writers Class, which starts Monday 11/8. Contact her for details.

Vicki Lynn King
Vicki Lynn King is delighted to announce that you can now sample the songs on her new CD, “I’ll Be Seeing You.” A recent reviewer said of it: “With this, her third album, she brings her sultry, bluesy voice to a collection of old standards that are Irresistible!”

Jan Cullinane
Jan Cullinane will be doing a talk for the ISCEBS (International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists) in Charlotte in October on What Women Want (and Need) in Retirement.

Anne Holmes NABBW’s “Boomer in Chief”

As "Boomer in Chief" of the National Association of Baby Boomer Women, Anne is passionate about educating, empowering and enriching the lives of Baby Boomer Women, as we now begin to age beyond our middle years and enthusiastically launch ourselves into life’s next stage – which most people call old age. We Boomers know aging doesn’t have to diminish us. We still have a lot to offer the world, and we continue to be ready and willing to enthusiastically participate.

Actively involved with a number of Boomer-focused organizations and committees, Anne keeps a steady finger on the pulse of this still-spirited generation, with the goal of helping us all to enjoy life, stay healthy and continue to live lives that are rich in every sense of the word. Beyond that, Anne is dedicated to helping facilitate the positive interaction between Baby Boomers and the hard-working younger generations who are readying themselves to “take the world’s reins” and continue our efforts to move society in a positive direction.

Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.