  Monday - September 16th, 2024

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Articles by: Judith Sherven


Romantic conflicts are as common as . . . Chores, Money, Sex, In laws, Holidays, Feeling Ignored, Vacations, Disciplining the Children, Enough Time Together, Lack of Listening, Dirty Fighting, The “Right Way” to Do Things, “You Just Don\’t Get It,” and on and on . . . And you\’ve got your own unique trouble spots […]

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Challenges, Change, and New Life

Fundamental to all life on the planet . . . is the fact that we\’re all different from each other. And yet what do most people do when they encounter those differences? They either change themselves “to fit in” or they try to change the other person. Here\’s why . . . When you want […]

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Stepping Out Beyond

When you think of people who are living a fabulous life who comes to mind? Bill Gates? Meryl Streep? Some prince, princess, or high dignitary? Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and he is deeply involved in helping people around the world. That\’s not only fabulous, that\’s almost fabled. But if you […]

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Dream Big, Dream With Love

The celebration of the New Year is the oldest of all continuing holidays. It was observed 4000 years ago by the ancient Babylonians and has continued, with only minor interruptions, into modern times. Anything with a history that long and enduring clearly has deep significance for the human psyche. Perhaps it\’s simply a celebration of […]

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What If Your Relationship Could Be . . .

Imagine the richest relationship you could ever have. What would that be like? Envision a relationship in which conflicts, even fighting, don\’t drive you apart but deepen the connection between you. Picture the sheer joy of discovering a love that thrives on the ordinary experiences of everyday life and is more passionate and spiritually satisfying […]

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Workin\’ It Out Together

In the early days of love it all seems so bliss filled and romantic – and it feels like it will last forever. Then you settle down, get married, create a home, have kids and……where did the magic go!? There\’s so much to do, the errands never end, the house always needs work, the kids […]

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On The Other Side of Insecurity

You\’ve had the experience, just like we have, of wanting to approach someone at a party and then feeling shy, scared, not-good-enough. Right? Just like us, you\’ve wanted to ask for a job, a promotion, special guidance for the next step of your career, but then you felt weird, strangely anxious, and you either forgot […]

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Men Are Human Too

To hear many relationship “experts” tell it, men are still stuck in primitive, caveman mentality. These experts admonish women to be passive and play hard to get. Why? Because, in order for a woman to interest them, they claim that men need to be on the hunt. If men aren\’t made to feel the need […]

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Your Soul Will Lead You Home

There is a particular verse, performed by Sinead O\’Connor… “Thank you for loving me, Thank you for seeing me, Thank you for hurting me, Thank you for tearing me apart.” While it\’s possible to interpret this lyric as an ode to abuse, you\’d miss the deepest meaning if you headed off in that direction. Instead, […]

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