  Monday - September 16th, 2024

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Articles by: Former Associates

Being Alone

…by Prill Boyle While leading a Defying Gravity workshop last month, I asked the women in the group to share a few of their fears. Lynn, a 50-something divorcée, didn\’t hesitate. “I\’m afraid to grow old without a companion,” she said. The irony is that if Lynn remains single, she\’ll soon have plenty of company. […]

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April Showers Bring April Showers

…by Julie Clark Robinson “Let the rain kiss you.  Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.”  -Langston Hughes Yesterday, I was strangely excited. The sky stayed dark all day and my battered wind chimes worked overtime. “Clang, clang….the weatherman wants to tell you something…” I […]

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The Better Angels of Our Nature

…by Prill Boyle Many women love Valentine\’s Day. Not me. I\’m not inspired by Hallmark cards. Nor do I care for forced romantic gestures. (If you want to make my heart go pitter-patter, surprise with me flowers when it\’s not a special day.) But having just finished Doris Kearns Goodwin\’s monumental biography of Lincoln, I […]

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The Old Switcheroo

…by Julie Clark Robinson “Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens.”  -Frank Herbert. A person expects it to some degree, whether they are aware of it or not. You squeeze through the aisle — trying not to bonk anyone in the head with your carry-on –mumble words of appreciation to the flight attendants, […]

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Learning to Open Your Heart

…by Suzanne Falter-Barnes Five years ago a psychic in Key West, FL told me something I\’m only just now beginning to understand. As I sat there in front of her, in a darkened room all full of incense, she intoned: “You\’ll have the success you want, Suzanne… but only when you open your heart.” I […]

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Guaranteed Ways To Build Up Your Ezine List

…by Suzanne Falter-Barnes Want your ezine list to catch fire and really start to fill up? Jenna Glatzer took her own list from the hundreds all the way to 75,000 in 7 years by simple, steady marketing, and using many of these techniques. (Jenna bought only 4000 opt-in names along the way.) Here are some […]

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Inner Voice

…by Julie Clark Robinson “Men for the sake of getting a living forget to live.”  -Margaret Fuller It\’s the inner voice that\’s going to do me in. Not the trans fats. Not talking on my cell while driving. Not the pesticides on my beloved cherry tomatoes. It\’ll be the inner voice. For instance, I am […]

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Dealing With Your Depression – Column III

In this SERIES of monthly COLUMNS Dr. Stephen will help you: • Finding out more about your depressed mood • Naming that tune: A description of depressive and mood disorders • Change your depressed mood through action • Decide if you need medication SPECIAL NOTE: Dr. Stephen has added a DAILY SUPPORT feature to her […]

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The Perfect Gift

…by Prill BoyleHave you ever sabotaged a dream? Most of us at some point have dismissed an inspired idea without taking a single step towards its fulfillment. We might glance back from time to time, but we convince ourselves that our dream is neither realistic nor achievable. Don\’t be so sure. Let me give you […]

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Funny as in Ha Ha

…by Julie Clark Robinson “The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed.”  -Sebastian R. N. Chamfort I\’m not even finished wrapping presents and I find myself thinking about New Year\’s Eve. Not necessarily what I\’ll do – being married with two children seems to solve that problem for a […]

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