  Tuesday - March 25th, 2025

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The National Association of Baby Boomer Women is the only association devoted to addressing issues concerning 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest, and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women. We\’re all about empowering Baby Boomer women at mid-life…

No matter what your interests, passions, concerns, worries or fears, if you\’re a Boomer Woman, you\’ll find that the NABBW is a place you\’ll want to go for advice, tips and help as well as opportunities to share information and participate in discussions on topics that interest you – and relate to your life. We want to help you achieve the best of your life – for the rest of your life.

NABBW is dedicated to:

  • Empowering Baby Boomer Women to explore their passions and live life to the fullest.
  • Connecting, encouraging, and supporting Baby Boomer Women.

NABBW promises you:

  • A membership package that includes information on self-improvement skills, free legal and financial advice using e-mail, an annual FREE subscription to More Magazine, exclusive member discounts on a variety of products and services, easy ways to connect with other boomer women, and MORE..
  • A sense of belonging to a creative, powerful, encouraging group of women who will leave you feeling refreshed, revived, and renewed.
  • Access to information from our NABBW Associates, an enthusiastic, energetic, wise, and warm panel of experts who have written books, founded Web sites, and coached women on a variety of topics.

NABBW believes:

  • The only way to capture the life of your dreams is to create it.
  • In educating women on the topics that concern you most.
  • Life is grand and you hold the key and power to that grandeur.
  • In bringing focus and clarity to your desired future.
  • Fun-loving women sharing positive energy opens a world of opportunity.
  • We can help you seek, claim, and live your passions.
  • You can find joy, live in the moment, have healthy relationships, and laugh more often.
  • Personal fulfillment opens doors for BLISS in all areas of life.

Our members are courageous, dynamic, optimistic, trustworthy individuals who are committed to empowering you to explore your passions and live life to the fullest.

Look to NABBW for:

  • Advice
  • Inspiration
  • Motivation
  • Support
  • Book and product reviews
  • And so much more…

NABBW Contributing Author

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.