  Wednesday - March 26th, 2025

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Express Your Individuality With Other Baby Boomer Women in Our Forums

Have You Been Wondering…

  • How to handle the pain you\’re experiencing over your newly empty nest?
  • Whether it\’s possible you\’ll ever again live in peace and harmony now that you\’re saddled with a boomerang kid?
  • If those menopausal hot flashed are ever going to stop?
  • How to handle some of those tough questions job interviewers ask?
  • How to have a “heart-to-heart” with your aging parent about giving up the car keys?
  • Whether you\’ll ever find love again after divorce or widowhood?
  • Where you can find recipes for the perfect holiday brunch?
  • Whether anyone else remembers wearing go-go boots, dancing to American Bandstand or wrapping angora yarn around your boyfriend\’s class ring so it would fit you?
  • What books other boomer women are reading?
  • Who else dreads having their husband retire?
  • How to successfully deal with night sweats?
  • What it takes to start a crafting hobby like beading?

Or, have you ever been with a group of women when someone shared something intimate?

It never fails that when we take a chance at disclosing an intimacy someone else in the group says, “I am so glad you said that. I thought I was the only one who felt that way!” Everyone present senses feelings of connectedness, acceptance, and solidarity that are special. Well, that is what Boomer Women Speak is all about.

Our Boomer Women Speak forums offer opportunities for baby boomer women to share personal stories in a genuine and heartfelt way without being judged. It\’s an opportunity to open up so others can learn from our experiences. The intricacies of our lives can help others live, survive, and thrive.

We want women across the world to realize that we are not alone in our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

So sit back, relax, browse, fall in love with us.

Remember, this is YOUR place to start a conversation, ask a question, or share a great tip with other Boomer women like you.

Be sure to bookmark the site and plan to visit us every day. Because there\’s always something new happening at Boomer Women Speak.

  • That\’s why w e\’re the fastest growing site for baby boomer women on the Web.
  • And why we\’re THE place for baby boomer women to encourage, connect, and support one another online.
  • Not to mention that along with our sister site, NABBW.com, we\’re the number one sites on all the major search engines for the keywords “baby boomer women.”
  • You\’ll laugh, you\’ll cry, you\’ll identify. So come share your stories with us!

NABBW Contributing Author

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.