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Please Join Our Upcoming NABBW Teleseminars… All Live Events Are FREE

THURSDAY October 10, 2013 @ 8 PM Eastern time: Teleseminar with new NABBW Associate Wendy Boorn MC, LPC. Wendy is NABBW’s new “Associate for Mothers of Adult Children.” Her topic is “Baby Boomer Women: Help for Parents of Boomerang Kids.” Wendy, a licensed psychotherapist with 35 years of clinical experience, will be discussing the issues that many of today’s mothers of adult children struggle with. She is the author of “I Thought I’d Be done By Now, Hope and Help for Mothers of Adult Children Searching for Peace.”

WEDNESDAY October 23, 2013 @ 8 PM Eastern time: Teleseminar with Guests Pamela J. Sams, CRPC, Carolee Duckworth and Marie Langworthy.   Topic is “Baby Boomer Women: What You Need to Know Now to Plan For Your New Retirement.” Pam is NABBW’s “Retirement Planning for Women” Associate, Carolee and Marie are authors of the book “Shifting Gears to your Life and Work After Retirement.”

THURSDAY November 7, 2013 @ 8 PM Eastern time: Teleseminar with Guest Tracey Barnes Priestley. Topic is “Baby Boomer Women: Making Changes at Midlife.”  We will be discussing the life lessons subliminally addressed in her novel “Duck Pond Epiphany.”  The book deals with the topics of life, friendship and love from the point of a Baby Boomer Woman with an Empty Nest. Tracey holds a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and spent many years as a therapist before moving into the field of personal coaching.

THURSDAY November 14, 2013 @ 8 PM Eastern time: Teleseminar with Guest Deanna Bran, PhD. Just in time for the holidays, we will be discussing “Baby Boomer Women: Tips for Mother-in-Law ~Daughter-in-Law Harmony.” Deanna is NABBW’s “In-Law Survival Associate” and the author of “Reluctantly Related: Secrets to Getting Along With Your Mother-in-Law Or Daughter-In-Law.”  We’ll be talking about ways to relieve the stress too often associated with the mother-in-law, daughter-in-law relationship. Dr. Brann is a relationship expert widely featured in national media, a national speaker on women and relationships, and a consultant for women struggling with relationships – personally or professionally – who want to make things better.

THURSDAY November 21, 2013 @ 8 PM Eastern time: Teleseminar with Guest Pamela J. Sams, CRPC, NABBW’s “Retirement Planning for Women” Associate. Topic to be announced.

THURSDAY December 19, 2013 @ 8 PM Eastern time: Teleseminar with Guest Pamela J. Sams, CRPC, NABBW’s “Retirement Planning for Women” Associate. Topic to be announced.

NABBW Contributing Author

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.