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June Boomer Women\’s World


Boomer Women\’s World Newsletter
June 2006





Dear Dotsie,

A loving person lives in a loving
world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you
meet is your mirror. — Brahma Kumaris

I?m excited to share that the NABBW has three new associates
who are offering columns and additional benefits for our
members. It is with tremendous pleasure that I introduce
Natalie Caine, Jennifer Kalita and Cathy Taylor.

? Natalie will write a monthly column and offer support for
all the empty nesters. You can visit her at www.emptynestsupport.com to learn
more. I?m sure I?ll be hounding her in the fall when my nest
? Jennifer is the founder of www.The
and will educate all of us with small
businesses who are willing to take big steps. Entrepreneurs and
hopeful entrepreneurs, be certain to look for Jennifer?s offer in
the Added Benefits section of this newsletter.
? Cathy, the founder of www.EverythingMenopause.com offers
hope for perimenopausal and menopausal boomers. She?ll
make it easy for us to find up-to-date information regarding
the newest trends in treatment, such as bio-identical hormones
with her monthly column.

I hope you will take the time to visit their sites and welcome

Next month I hope to be able to tell you about a few more
discounts the association will offer. Until, make the most of
your benefits and enjoy this issue that has articles about all
things boomer women.

Onward with grace,


More exciting news: The National Association of Baby
Boomer Women continues to grow.

Join or renew with TWO ORGANIZATIONS for the price of

The National
Association of Women Writers (NAWW)
and the National
Association of Baby Boomer Women (NABBW)
partnered together.

Until June 30th–when you join or renew with the
you get a membership to the NABBW for
free! ($75 value)

Don\’t miss this opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of both
organizations for the price of one.

I continue to witness women encouraging women in our Virtual
Village every day at http://www.boomerwomenspeak.com/cgi-bin/
. Won?t you join us? The sixty-plus forums
connect, encourage and support baby boomer women at all
stages of life!



We have created a user-friendly version of member
benefits on the Members Only page at www.nabbw.com.
Check it out. Email me at
if you\’ve forgotten your


Look for these added benefits on the Members Only
page at www.nabbw.com

Jennifer Kalita is our new associate who will help educate
us about being an entrepreneur. She is offering all NABBW
members a complimentary entrepreneurial evaluation for
women looking to start or jump-start their entrepreneurial
ventures, to help you look at your businesses from all angles,
assess untapped growth opportunities, and clear any other
business launch/growth hurdles. One-time comprehensive
analysis. Her site is www.thekalitagroup.com. This offer is
for NABBW members only.

Special Offer!
Free!* Moments Early Menopause Check

Limited Time Offer While Supplies Last.

This new, at home, mistake-proof test is a revolutionary
approach to checking early menopause. Its unique design helps
to identify your menopause stage and results are in 10
minutes. Each box contains one single use test. Click here to take advantage of this FREE


Writing Contest

www.BoomerWomenSpeak.com, the
number one site on all search engines for “baby boomer
women” is looking for your favorite summer memory from
the 60\’s or 70\’s. Take us back. We want to reminisce.
Submissions should be made to
no later than August 1, 2006. The
winning author will receive three books, a Friends Heal Friends
t-shirt, a $25.00 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble, and
inclusion in the Our Voices section at this link, http://www.boomerwomenspeak.com/

The advertising campaign is booming. Is your market
baby boomer women? If so, be sure to advertise with us. Click
here: http://
to learn
how your product, site, or book can be featured at BWS.

FREE OFFER-Boomer Books: BWS gladly promotes
books written by, for, or about baby boomers. Send us your
information here: http://www.boomerwomenspeak.com/

FREE OFFER-Resources for Women: Does your web
site connect, encourage, or support women? Send us your link
to be included on our Resources for Women page. http://www.boomerwomenspeak.com/

SmartWoman is launching a summer-long
subscription campaign, called SWAP. They are offering that
people trade their emails for one free year of
subscriptions. Simply go to their site and leave your name
and email address. They will email you for your mailing
address and you will receive their glossy bi-monthly magazine
at your door for FREE. I know the editor, have sponsored a
Smart Woman event, and have been published in their
magazine with several NABBW members.


Diane Schwartz


Dianne Schwartz: NABBW Domestic Violence
Expert –
– Educating Against Domestic
Violence, an excellent site.

Many words could describe the events in my life with varying
opinions. Miracle or fluke? Luck or Divine Intervention?
Regardless of what one might believe, a quote by Ralph Waldo
Emerson stands true in my heart: It is one of the most
beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely
try to help another without helping himself – Serve and thou
shall be served. And this is how I healed from an abusive
marriage and set out to be what I so desperately needed at one
point in my life?a helping hand that understood.

This is where the value in our life lessons find more
importance, in using them to heal the world and allowing them
to be something we experienced rather than something that
defines us. This is why I created my website www.eadv.net to be a
safe sanctuary for battered women to freely share and find
sanity and compassion along with referrals for assistance. A
community voice of survivors willing to share their past to help
a victim of abuse has been a godsend to many women.

Sharing my personal experience in book form has been a
continued blessing, even six years after publication. I stand
amazed how God has worked to get my message into the world
to assist other women. I was an author before I became a
writer. Talk about miracles – http://


Beverly Brolus



I?m excited to share the launch of my husband
Tim?s book ?Baby Boomers Almanac.? He knew it would a
great resource, but to our surprise he sold over 2,000 copies
before it was published. One contact was Bob Gillette, owner
of American House Senior Living Residence with 29 locations in
Michigan. He was so impressed with our pre-release
information flyer he immediately bought 1,000 copies and hired
Tim to do an hour seminar at the 29 locations in the Metro
Detroit area. The fliers have prompted an unbelievable amount
of phone calls inquiring about when the book would be released
and when they can order a case or more. Thus another 1,000
copies were sold before it was released.

The book is now available and the phones calls are continuing.
Word of mouth has been the best advertisement. Doctors are
calling to order 500 copies. Financial planners & mortgage
advisers have contracted Tim to do seminars as an alliance
with them. Health clubs want him to give presentations to
their boomer members sharing the importance of exercise. He
has received calls from people all over the United States.

The book is a light humorous reading about the serious subjects
facing our age group. If you want to laugh one minute and cry
the next you have to read his book. What is even more
rewarding to Tim is the people that have already read the book
have said, ?Thank You.?


Jed Diamond

Irritable Male Syndrome and Male
Menopause: What Women
Need to Know to Protect Their Relationships and Help


Jed helped us better understand the men in our lives. We
received great reviews after his call. He?ll be back in October
with more. Members who missed the call can listen to it at
their convenience by going to the Members Only section.

Jed is the author of the international best-sellers, Male
Menopause, Surviving Male Menopause, and The Irritable Male
Syndrome. His books have now been translated into
26 foreign languages. Irritable Male Syndrome and Male
Menopause: What Women Need to Know to Protect Their
Relationships and Help the Males


Dotsie Bregel

Dotsie Bregel shared How to
Gain Top of Search Engine Listings. It was our best attended
teleseminar ever.

Founder of BoomerWomenSpeak the # 1 site for “baby boomer
women” on Google, etc. shared

? How to get a whole lot more traffic on your web site.
? How to get more publicity and promotional exposure for
what you do.
? Basics of online networking.

You can hear her one hour teleseminar by visiting the User
Friendly Benefits on the Members Only page at www.nabbw.com


Jennifer Kalita

The Entrepreneurial Boomer Woman: How to Start & Stay in
Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 7:00pm EST

Join us in July when NABBW?s
own Entrepreneurial Columnist, Jennifer Kalita of
Kalita Group (www.thekalitagroup.com), will uncover
the top 5 entrepreneurial challenges that get in the way of
boomer women staying in business, and how to overcome them
with proven success strategies that will help you convert a
creative idea into a sustainable business. Jennifer will help you
to determine if entrepreneurship is the best choice for you,
and, if it is, she?ll give you advice on how to launch and grow
the successful business you know you have within you.
Whether you\’re a boomer woman who has left a longtime
career to put your vision and years of experience to work for
you, or a seasoned entrepreneur whose business is stagnating,
join us for this insightful call and explore the possibilities of
being a successful boomer woman in business.



Midlife for Women – A Play in Three

By Karen Stephen, Ph.D.

The most common invaders during our midlife years (which I
define as that phase of life anywhere between forty and death)

pairs or trios, or even a quintet. They break down your
defenses, cause you to stumble, even to fall. The following are
some specific antidotes and action plans when the CRUMMIES

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/karenstephen.html

Six Tips To Emptying Your Aging
Loved One\’s House

By Barbara Friesner

One of the most difficult jobs family members face when
emptying out their aging loved one(s) house is how to get rid
of all the ?stuff.? This is especially difficult for family members
who live at a distance and have to sort through a life time of
belongings in a week or two of vacation time. If this is an issue
you?re facing, here are some suggestions to make it easier.

Continue reading at this link:

Entrepreneurial Checkpoints –
Should I or Shouldn?t I?

By Jennifer Kalita

Entrepreneurship is an exciting and worthwhile endeavor.
Profiting from your expertise (instead of allowing your
employer to rake it in), setting your own schedule, and calling
your own shots all make for a very pretty picture.

It?s no wonder then that starting one?s own business has
become a very popular endeavor in recent years. Before you
jump in, however, it?s important to recognize that not everyone
is cut out to be self-employed, be it because of life
circumstances or personality types. There is no ?right? or
?wrong? way to be here. It?s about understanding that we are
all programmed differently, and we need to find the best way
to work in order to enjoy the best way to live.

Continue reading at this link:

The Loss of a Pet

By Regina Leeds

A dear friend asked me what I would write about this month.
Since I truly believe a writer is most effective when he shares
from his own life experience, this month my organizing skills
are focused on coping with the loss of a treasured animal

My wonderful golden retriever, who is acknowledged in both of
my books, appears at my web site and is mentioned at all of
my lectures, passed away on April 19th. Although she was
13 1/2 and I certainly realized Kate?s time was limited, her vet
and I believed that Miss Katie would make it to 15. Her
presence, however, was requested in the halls of heaven and
she left after a mercifully brief illness.

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/reginaleeds.html

Menopause and Blood Sugar

By Cathy Taylor

As a woman, you go through profound changes during
menopause, and this affects your emotional and physical
health. At that time, you go through a series of metabolic
changes that can lead to blood sugar imbalance, and other
serious health associated problems. A study that tracked
metabolic changes in women as they progressed through
menopause found that one out of six women developed blood
sugar imbalance. Estrogen can create blood sugar imbalance
and increase in body fat storage, whereas progesterone
normalizes blood sugar levels and helps use fat for energy.

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/cathytaylor.html

The Meaning of Menopause

By Karen Baar

As we move toward 50, it?s no wonder that many of us dread
the approach of menopause. For many years, analysts and
doctors have portrayed menopause as a major psychological
event. Grounded in Freudian logic, the theory is that a woman\’s
life loses its purpose once she can no longer bear children.

Not only do we lose our purpose, say others, we aren?t even
women any more. In 1969, in Everything You Always
Wanted to Know about Sex but Were Afraid to Ask, Dr.
David Reuben called menopause ?a defect in the evolution of
human beings.? And in the now-infamous Feminine Forever, in
which Robert A. Wilson, M.D. promoted heavy doses of
estrogen (journalists later revealed that the Wilson Research
Foundation relied heavily on money from pharmaceutical
companies), it wasn?t enough for him to describe menopause
as ?a serious, painful and often crippling disease.? No; he went
on to say that ?castration,? and becoming ?the equivalent of a
eunuch? were what happened to a woman when her estrogen
levels dropped.

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/

A Change of Attitude

By Prill Boyle

Attitude might not be everything, but it?s a good place to start
if you want something in your life to change. Let me tell you a
personal story.

After my youngest son was born, I did not have warm and
fuzzy feelings about him. For three months, he had colic and
cried all the time. Well into his second year, no matter what
my husband and I did, we couldn?t get him to stick to a
schedule or listen to adults. If we told him not to whack his
friend, he?d get a twinkle in his eye and do it anyway. If we
tried reverse psychology, he?d outsmart us.

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/

To Relocate or Not to Relocate: That
is the Question

By Jan Cullinane

Should you consider moving when you retire? According to a
2005 Pulte survey, more than half of boomers plan to pick up
stakes when they retire. Will you be one of them?

Complete the following questionnaire to find out if you could be
a candidate for relocating. If you have a significant other, he/
she should also complete this quiz.

Continue reading at this link:

Core Values

By Natalie Caine

How do you feel about these values and how does your partner.
How can you help each other?

Learning something new
Staying in touch with your health challenges and
Financial security, savings and retirement
Family needs and time together
Having your home the way you like it as far as decorating

inside and outside
Community service

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/nataliecaine.html

Home Buyers: Did You Know You\’re
In The Real Estate Business?

By Patricia McHugh Lambert

When purchasing your first home, you viewed the home,
submitted a contract, obtained financing, and attended closing.
Four steps and you completed the most significant single
acquisition of your life. Would you follow those same steps to
acquire another home? With the second-and third-time buyer
market consisting of $500,000-$700,000 (and greater) homes, I
hope your answer is ?No.? Like it or not, with such value, you
are now in the ?business? of real estate, and residential
transactions should be completed with the same thoroughness
as the acquisition of commercial property.

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/

Ancora Imparo
By Nan S. Russell

Ancora imparo, translated as “I am still learning” or “Still, I am
learning,” is attributed to Michelangelo in his eighty-seventh
year. The man who painted the Sistine Chapel and sculpted the
Pieta and David, whose very name evokes mastery of his craft,
exemplifies a lifelong learning philosophy.

Contrast him with a fifty-two year old executive I read about in
the Wall Street Journal touting in an interview that he had
never written or sent an email, refused to read staff messages
received in email, and was uninterested in learning how to
access the internet. He was perfectly content using l980s skills
in the 21st century.

Continue reading at this link: https://nabbw.com/columns/

Follow the Little Leaders

By Julie Clark Robinson

?I meant to do my work today ? But a brown bird sang in
the apple tree. And a butterfly flitted across the field, and all
the leaves were calling me.? –Richard le Gallienne

Remember that scene in ?Big? when Tom Hanks — the man who
woke up
one day to find that he was trapped in a boy?s body — hops on
his bike and awkwardly rides it down the street? That image
comes to my mind more times than I can count ? even all
these years after the movie was made. Why? I think it?s the
way a grown man was able to so accurately move his adult
body with all the enthusiasm of an eight year old as he attacks
a fresh new day.

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/

Next Stop – Brussels

By Carol Sorgen

Been to Brussels lately? If you routinely bypass this hip, trendy
city in favor of that other French-speaking city nearby (oui, I?m
talking about Paris), then it?s time to re-think your next
itinerary.That?s right – I said hip and trendy. Probably not the
first adjectives that would have come to mind, right?

Well, Brussels is no longer the dowdy stepsister. This centrally
located European hub is enjoying a Renaissance and, believe it
or not, has become a lively cosmopolitan center that draws
students, businesspeople, political leaders, and even artists and
fashion designers from around the world.

Continue reading at this link: https://nabbw.com/columns/

Thirsty for God

By Donna Shepherd

?Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of
God, and who it is who says to you, “Give Me a drink,\’ you
would have asked Him, and He would have given you living
water.” ? John 4:10 nkjv
The church service began as usual with our singing a few
choruses followed by a time called ?Select a Hymn? ? a
favorite with the members of our congregation.

Continue reading at this link: https://nabbw.com/columns/


Ann Osterhus


Up for a perfect life? Start
designing one today. Personal Life Coaching 612-807-3098
Visit www.lulu.com to purchase your own
copy of Ann?s book:
Goal Setting and Action Plans: A Workbook for Life Design

Raven West

Guardian abuse is the new crime of the 21st century. The
National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse was created to
help victims and their families obtain justice in an seemingly
unjust political and judicial court system.

Dr. Karen Stephen, Mental Health
Advisor for NABBW


Karen has a new feature on her Doctor Flamingo Online website
CUSTOMIZING YOUR LIFE. Midlife women can learn how to
create a new pattern
for their lives, one unique to their own gifts and talents, and
then put it
into action with flair. She is enjoying continued success
publicizing her romance suspense novel, DEGREES OF
OBSESSION, she put over 100 copies into the hands
of avid readers at the April LA Times Festival of Books

Sherri Smith

Sherri is the featured author of the month at www.writerssuccess.com. Please visit
her at http://www.writerssuccess.com/WOM.htm

Joan Eisenberg

Joan is seeking before-and-after photos of kosher kitchens to
be included in a book she?s writing to be released this fall. She
is a Certified Master Kitchen & Bath Designer (CMKBD) and has
been designing kosher kitchens since the 1980s. Clients have
encouraged her to write the book, which will include a
compilation of projects, products, as well as design guidelines.
Guidelines for project submission may be obtained by calling
Eisenberg directly at (410) 764-3789, or at http://www.kosherkitchensbydesign.com/

Angela Rall


Personal Touch Home Care
is proud to announce that we are offering FREE Education
Seminars to groups interested in Caregving topics of interest.
Sign up at our website: www.pthomecare.com – Click on
Locations, New York, and then choose the location closest to

Pamela Free
Weight Vest for Osteopenia Now Available in Black.
The comfortable way to gain bone density without taking drugs
now you can get it in black as well as navy. http://weightvest4osteoporosis.com

Patrika Vaughn
Writing Problems? Find out why your writing isn\’t working and
how to fix it, with the Diagnostic Tape. Learn the problems that
keep works from being published, and how to correct them.

Debi Kops
Looking to Move/Buy an apart. in or close to NYC
Looking to Move/Buy Apart. in/around NYC
Budget-deal or leads appreciated !

Charleen Micheles

Always wished you had a friend in the writing business? Well
now you do. Contact Charleen about editing your writing for

Nancy Mills,
founder of Spirited Woman, invites you to participate in the
SPIRITED WOMAN CIRCLE an exclusive new monthly 1-hr.
phone conversation series with famous women. On July 11th
her guest is Marcia Wallace (Carol on the Bob Newhart Show),
who says, “I re-invented myself for the seven thousandth time”
and became an author. In her conversation Marcia will talk
about how her book, “Don\’t Look Back We\’re Not Going That
Way,” or “how I overcame a rocky childhood, a nervous
breakdown, breast cancer, widowhood, fat, fire and
menopausal motherhood and still manage to count my lucky
chickens” was rejected again and again by publishers, how her
long road to self-publishing her book really paid off, and why it
was one of the best decisions she ever made. http://www.TheSpiritedWoman.com/

Monica Morris
Monica\’s new novel, That Ridiculous Blue Sky, (ISBN 0
-595-38426-9) was successfully launched in May at Chevalier\’s
Books in Los Angeles. ?Blue Sky? is a metaphor for something
fanciful – a hope, a cherished dream, a worthy aim. The hopes
of each of the three women who sign on for the services of
?Magdalena, the Mediterranean Matchmaker? are realized – but
not as they could possible have foreseen! www.monicabmorris.com

Kelly Stone

You are encouraged to listen to Kelly?s interviews at the
following links:
The Power of Compassion with Susan Schanerman on Artist
First Radio: http://

Sandy Springs Radio: Book Talk with Gail Cohn (I\’m on the 2nd
half of the show):

Pat LaPointe

is looking for women age 50-65 willing to complete a survey/be
interviewed for a project which focuses on the past and present
experiences, challenges and wisdom of today\’s midlife woman.
Please contact Pat LaPointe, Director, WomensVoices: An
Enrichment Center for Today\’s Midlife Woman (www.womansvoices.info) either by
phone: 847-520-7035 or email: pmlapointe@earthlink.net

NABBW Relationship Expert, Judith
Sherven, PhD
and her husband Jim Sniechowski, PhD just put up a new
website called “Making The Ordinary Extraordinary.” It\’s all
about how you can turn the ordinary moments of daily life into
extraordinary closeness with the one you love. And it\’s free
when you go to:

You\’re receive a welcome message followed by 7 secrets for
keeping romance alive for a lifetime, plus a bonus article.

Pamela D. Blair


The Next Fifty Years is a
guide for women at midlife and beyond, a journal and a study
guide all rolled into one. This treasure chest of wisdom will
validate your life experiences while you laugh, cry and know
that you are not alone. While encouraging you to re-envision
your life for the road ahead, this book hastens the process with
thought-provoking questions and space for your responses.
Complete empowerment for women.



Thank you to the following for taking a part in sharing
information about NABBW and BWS:

I?m excited to have won the writing contest Tell Me About Your
Girlfriend. I can?t wait to get my gift basket. If you?re tired of
the same old mall stores and a Google search gives you 8,000
hits? www.tellmegirlfriend.com, a recently
launched internet portal provides busy women a new way to
search for hard-to-find, unique products.

Thanks to Mia Cronan for placing my article about boomer
women at midlife on her site www.mainstreetmom.com


Thanks to the people at www.geezerradio.com for the fun
telephone interview that can be heard on their site.

Thanks to http://childstudy.net for publishing one
of my articles about boomers turning 60.

Thanks to Kathy Walsh at www.RickandJune.com for placing our
links on her site.

Thanks to Jennifer Kalita for featuring NABBW in her
newsletter. The Kalita Group – Visualize. Strategize. Realize.

Thanks to Garolyn Bowen at www.blocksand3dpuzzles.com for listing
our links on her site.

Thanks to Kathryn Magendie for featuring the NABBW on her
site http://www.kathrynmagendie.com/howl

Thanks to member Kathleen Gage for mentioning NABBW in her
newsletter. You can visit her at www.turningpointpresents.com.

Thanks to www.MaximumBoomers.com for
including a link to BWS on their site.

Thanks to C. L. Mareydt at A Word Fitly Spoken Magazine for
including a link to our sites.

Thanks to Dr. Vanessa M. Dazio, OTD, OTR/L at www.safeaging.com
for including our links on their

www.boomerwomenspeak.com is the
# 1 site on search engines for ?baby boomer women.? Join us
in our forums where you can share from the heart, give and
receive advice, and make new friends.

Feel free to forward this to
friends, family and colleagues.
Please email dots@nabbw.com if you no longer
want to receive this publication.

NABBW Contributing Author

Posted in:
Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.