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July Boomer Women\’s World


Boomer Women's World Newsletter
July 2006





Dear Dotsie,

NABBW has members from 40 states – plus Canada, New
Zealand and England!

A good leader inspires others with
confidence in him or her; a great leader inspires them with
confidence in themselves. — Unknown

What a wild and crazy month this has been. Thanks to
everyone for hanging in there with us while we changed
servers AND updated our forums at the same time. All the
kinks are almost resolved and the site and forums should be
running perfectly very soon. Alleluia!

I am excited to share that we have a team of two women
physicians to introduce as NABBW Associates. Janet Horn M.D.
and Robin Miller M.D are well trained (both at Hopkins) with
more than 50 years of clinical experience, and also have had
much experience in writing and speaking to the non-medical
public. Both physicians are most interested in issues concerning
baby boomer women. They will contribute monthly articles for
this newsletter beginning in August. Click here to learn more:

Boomer Women’s World is adding advertising
opportunities to our newsletter. Please contact us if you are
interested in seeing your ad in this newsletter. We have also
added a Boomer Review section where we will continue to
review books, products and services for the NABBW members.

I hope you will grab a cold drink, sit back, and enjoy reading
this issue that contains all topics of interest to baby boomer

Onward with grace,



The next 12 women to join the NABBW will receive the
premiere season of Commander in Chief on DVD. Keep it for
yourself or use it as a gift. I’m sure you or someone you know
enjoy the show. See www.nabbw.com for

copy of the BABY BOOMER’S ALMANAC, by Tim Brolus

I continue to witness women encouraging women in our Virtual
Village every day at http://www.boomerwomenspeak.com/forums/
. Won’t you join us? The sixty-plus forums
connect, encourage and support baby boomer women at all
stages of life!



We have created a user-friendly version of member
benefits on the Members Only page at www.nabbw.com.
Check it out. Email me at
if you've forgotten your


Look for these added benefits on the Members Only
page at www.nabbw.com

Want to send flowers to a friend, or popcorn to a family or
business? NABBW is now offering member discounts at www.1800flowers.com and www.thepopcornfactory.com

Lorraine Calhoun
Lorraine is offering a free e-book, 7 Steps To Go From
Frazzled to Fabulous The Secret Life of the Serene Baby
Boomer Women for NABBW members.

Cathy Taylor
It's a shame for you to suffer through menopause symptoms
when you really don't have to. Her eBook took more than 1,000
hours of research, writing and editing – but now YOU can
benefit tremendously from it. Discover the natural, secret
solutions to living comfortably during your mid-life transition.
Cathy offers 20% off her ebook to all NABBW members.

Wondering where you are with peri-menopause/
menopause? Do what I did. Order this test absolutely FREE. If
you can’t use it, give it to a friend. No gimmicks! Special Offer!

Free!* Moments Early Menopause Check

Limited Time Offer While Supplies Last.

This new, at home, mistake-proof test is a revolutionary
approach to checking early menopause. Its unique design helps
to identify your menopause stage and results are in 10
minutes. Each box contains one single use test. Click here to take advantage of this FREE

& Nintendo Team Up to Exercise Your Mind!

Join the Games
at Gather.com & learn how to
build cognitive skills
with crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and, yes, even video
gaming! Check out
Nintendo's brainy video games aimed at challenging
thinking adults. To
stay sharp as a tack, visit http://games.gather.com.


Danita Jones
Area Manager and Independent Consultant with Arbonne


Danita discovered the "Arbonne difference" over
three years ago. The "Arbonne difference" wasn't just
phenomenal beauty products that changed "the faces" of
millions of women, but it was a business opportunity that gave
her "wings" and "roots".

"Arbonne came into my life when I had very little hope. I was
a stay-at-home, home-schooling mother of two, living paycheck
to paycheck. If my family kept doing things in the same
manner, in five years, we would be further in debt and still
struggling financially. We all know that insanity is doing the
same thing over and over again and expecting different

"Arbonne gave me wings by giving me a means to bring
finances into my household without sacrificing my family. I
also gained an abundance of amazing women who want similar
opportunities for their lives. The roots came from Arbonne
teaching me to value myself, and to get to know myself in a
new and positive way."

Danita desires to help other women soar with the eagles as
they find their wings and re-discover the true beauty within by
getting in touch with their roots.

Arbonne is a botanically based, Swiss formulated health and
wellness company. For more info, visit Danita's website at http://www.danitajones.myarbonne.com.


Shelley Tompkins


My inventor husband started to think of innovative
ways to keep cool while sleeping back in 2001. In just a few
short weeks, the first Bedfan was born.

A friend who suffers from night sweats as a result of
menopause heard about The Bedfan. She had not been able to
sleep well for two years. The first night she slept with The
Bedfan – she slept through the night. That was when we
realized that we had a product that could help millions of

It has been several years since the first prototype was tested.
Hundreds of hours have been spent on the design of our final
version. It has always been my husband’s dream to develop a
product to help people. We have helped hundreds of women
with menopause and other hot sleepers in the US and Canada.
The response has been wonderful and encouraging.

The idea behind The Bedfan is simple. It sits at the foot of
your bed and delivers a gentle breeze between the sheets.
When you are sleeping, The Bedfan keeps your body and your
bed at a comfortable temperature. The air flow is managed via
a speed controller that you can place directly under your

Visit our web site to watch one of the
programs so that you can watch a video and see
exactly how it works. It is a large file but worth
watching if you have questions. For more information about
The Bedfan, please click here and visit the link. This is the
Minnie Pauz link so you may see our friend Dee Adams. From
that link you will receive the discounted price.


Jennifer Kalita

The Entrepreneurial Boomer Woman: How to Start & Stay in
Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 7:00pm EST

Join us in July when NABBW’s
own Entrepreneurial Columnist, Jennifer Kalita of
Kalita Group (www.thekalitagroup.com), will uncover
the top 5 entrepreneurial challenges that get in the way of
boomer women staying in business, and how to overcome them
with proven success strategies that will help you convert a
creative idea into a sustainable business. Jennifer will help you
to determine if entrepreneurship is the best choice for you,
and, if it is, she’ll give you advice on how to launch and grow
the successful business you know you have within you.
Whether you're a boomer woman who has left a longtime
career to put your vision and years of experience to work for
you, or a seasoned entrepreneur whose business is stagnating,
join us for this insightful call and explore the possibilities of
being a successful boomer woman in business.

Future teleseminar topics include:
• Midlife Organization
• Survival Tips for Caring for Our Aging Parents
• Mental Health
• Why Men Cheat & What You Can Do to Protect Your


We are happy to review member’s books, products and
services. This is a service that is FREE of CHARGE to
NABBW members. Please email us if you are
interested in seeing a review of your book, product, or

Midlife Sleepwear
Kathy Walsh


Review by Dotsie Bregel

I was the fortunate recipient of a
lavender night shirt to help me get through the midlife nights
which cause me to wake up soaked. Such a wonderful topic,
but one many of us are all too familiar with. Call me a
Doubting Thomasina, but I thought there was no way I
could experience a hot flash and not have to change pajamas in
the middle of the night. I was wrong.

Kathy Walsh offers a line of nightware made with a "wicking"
fabric, which is used to make all of her sleepwear. The fabric
actually "wicks" away moisture from your body to keep you
cool on hot nights and warm on chilly nights. Using a patented
technology, the fabric pulls moisture away from your skin to
keep you dry. It is fast drying, easy to clean, and odor
resistant. Unlike other wicking fabrics, the wicking properties
of her material is maintained even after multiple trips to the
washing machine.

She ships priority mail and in-stock items within 3-4 days.
Free shipping on all products in July, including the "June is
Hot" storybook and Hot Flash Gift Sets.

Outshining the Moon
Jerelyn Craden

Reviewed by Georgia Richardson, Queen Jaw Jaw

I have to say I really enjoyed this
book. A little bit of strong language in some spots, however,
the story was a good one full of creativity and imagination.

Vessie, the main character, is snowbound in her car and from
the get-go, in danger of dying. What does one do in a situation
like this? We reflect. This is what Vessie offers throughout the
rest of the book as she waits in her car with nothing but her
inner child for company.

Taking you from one stage of her childhood as a psychic first,
then a healer, to losing the one person who gave her comfort
and understanding, Daddy, then followed closely by her
Mother's death, Vessie is left with a sister who gives sibling
rivalry new meaning. Moving into womanhood and into the
arms of men who would own her, she suppresses her healing
abilities and focuses on her musical talent which leads her to
become one of the top jingle ad writers in the biz. Vessie has a
secret though. At one point she lives with a Guru and learns the
art of dematerializing which not only lands her on a deserted
island with the man of her dreams, but … And this is the nail-
biting end, it also lands her in a ward for the mentality
unstable. What happens to Vessie? What is the point of the
whole story? You'll have to read the book to find out. I dare not
give it away. I will say that Vessie teaches us to live our lives
authentically. After all, if you aren't living your life, who is?



Retirement and Working: It’s Not a

By Jan Cullinane

Will you work after leaving your primary career?
If the answer
is yes, you will be in good company – an AARP survey reports
that 80% of boomers plan to work full or part time after
retirement. Finances are the biggest reason, but over one-third
of those surveyed cited enjoyment of work as a factor, and
doing something different enticed an additional five

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/jancullinane.html

Menopause and Bioidentical
Hormones: Advantages of BHRT

By Cathy Taylor

Hormones are best described as
carriers of messages from
glands to cells to maintain chemical levels in the bloodstream
that achieve homeostasis. The name ‘hormone’ comes from a
word that means, ‘to spur on.’ This goes to show how the
presence of hormones acts as a catalyst for other chemical
changes at the cellular level necessary for growth,
development, and energy in the body. Bioidentical hormones
can play an important role in menopause.

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/cathytaylor.html


By Barbara Friesner

One of the most difficult and
emotional tasks a family faces
whether because of a move or the death of loved one, is
distributing the family possessions. If one person wants an
item – no problem. But when more than one family member
wants something, things can get very unpleasant very fast!
Sadly, too many families find they’ve accomplished the task
but, in the process, create long-term, deeply held resentment
which can destroy family relationships.

Continue reading at this link:

5 Free Things You Can Do to Jump
Start Your PR Today

By Jennifer Kalita

You’re a woman in business which,
by definition, means you’re
one clever time and resource manager. You can balance the
books, walk 3 miles a day, and volunteer at the blood bank in a
single bound. And all while running a business.

Continue reading at this link:

Zen Organizer Party Planning

By Regina Leeds

Recently a dear friend gifted me with a
birthday party. While it
was a great success, some things did not go as she planned.
Doesn’t that always happen when we have folks over? Her
response, however, has been to declare that she is never going
to entertain again. My suggestion is that we break the
experience down and examine what elements were successful
and which could have been handled differently for a better
outcome. In the case of entertaining, a better outcome is one
where the hostess is so relaxed she’s enjoying her own party.

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/reginaleeds.html

A Hard Act To Follow

By Prill Boyle

What’s next? If you haven’t already
asked yourself that
question, at some point you probably will. Average life
expectancy for women is now approaching 80 years, and with
our greater longevity comes more beginnings and endings.
Children leave home. Jobs change. Loved ones die. Retirement
approaches. Then new jobs beckon when savings run out. Life,
in other words, is not so much a box of chocolates as a series
of chapters. And when one chapter is over, we’re often uneasy
until we know how the next one begins.

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/

Tools For Reinvention

By Natalie Caine

When one’s life is in transition,
questions arise about wanting a
gigantic change, an alteration or a variation of what is already
there. Below are some questions to consider: What are the
“normal” thoughts and feelings during this cycle? How long
does the “grieving” last?

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/nataliecaine.html

Commercial Leasing From the
Landlord’s Perspective

By Patricia McHugh Lambert

The terms of the lease will bind the
parties for a considerable
period of time and it is important, therefore, to carefully draft
the lease up front. Also, often times, when the lease term is
coming to an end and the parties want to negotiate an
extension of the lease term, landlords are tempted to just
amend the lease time and time again to extend the term.
Certainly that is the quickest method to keep the lease going,
but after a series of amendments, the underlying (original
lease) may be 10 years or older. It may well be time to engage
counsel, reevaluate the lease, and be sure it meets current-day
standards and addresses issues that simply were not thought of
those 10 years ago.

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/

Serving Company Politics

By Nan S. Russell

I once had a boss who informed me there
was no such thing as
company politics. At the time, I decided that depended on
whether you were the person wielding power or influenced by
it. In my career experience, I'd categorize self-serving antics,
sabotaging behaviors, information hoarding and artful
manipulation under the heading of company politics. I'd throw
in veiled threats, perpetuated mistruths, finger-pointing and
coercion. There's a long list of behaviors I've personally
experienced or witnessed in the workplace under the politics
label. And I'm sure you can add your own.

Continue reading at this link: https://nabbw.com/columns/

Livin' Easy

By Julie Clark Robinson

“Summer afternoon –
summer afternoon; to me those have
always been the two most beautiful words in the English
language.” –Henry James

When I think of summertime, I hear a lazy, engaging lyric taunt
me with “and the livin’s easy” But then reality hits and I
realize I needed to be somewhere five minutes ago and I can’t
find my car keys. Maybe George Gershwin enjoyed some easy
living in the summers of the mid 1930’s, but my BlackBerry is
beeping and I’ll have to obsess about that later.

Continue reading at this link: http://www.nabbw.com/columns/

The Queen of Imagination

By Georgia Richardson

Growing up I was known by
my friends and family as the
Queen of Imagination. In other words, I could out-lie just about
anybody, including my four sisters. Just the other day, one
sister admitted she’d always admired my ability to “elasticize”
the truth. It seems I had an uncanny ability to take the truth,
bounce it around, stretch it this way or that, mold it to my
liking, then serve it back to the recipient without ever cracking
one facial expression. I was the master of deceit. This isn’t
exactly what I had in mind for a legacy, so after surviving my
teen years, I decided the truth would undoubtedly set me free.

Continue reading at this link: https://nabbw.com/columns/

Giving Up The Goal

By Donna Shepherd

“Are you so foolish? After
beginning with the Spirit, are you
now trying to attain your goal by human effort?" –
(Galatians 3:3 NIV)

This morning when you started your day, did you have an
agenda? Many people, at least the more organized ones, begin
by consulting a ‘to do’ list. In our society, being goal oriented is
viewed as a good attribute.

Continue reading at this link: https://nabbw.com/columns/

Suffering From Negative Head-Talk?

By Judith Sherven, Ph.D. & James Sniechowski, Ph.D.

Nearly everyone does battle
with that pesky voice of self-
judgment and sabotaging put-downs that chatters away in our

Continue reading at this link: https://nabbw.com/columns/


NABBW members who are mothers of soldiers ask
that you consider helping our troops. To learn more, click here:

Ginny Robertson


Do You Want to Get Published? Are you a woman with wisdom
to share with women entrepreneurs? Have you thought of
writing a book about your experience or knowledge?
What if:
– you could write your book in a week?
– you had someone else to handle all the publishing details?

– you had a built-in marketing machine?
What if – you could be a published author, with your book in the
hands of thousands of people in less than 4 months?
Live Your Life On Purpose and Love Your Life Publishing
are collaborating on a book titled The Spirit of Women
Entrepreneurs – A Guidebook to Pursuing Your Dreams.
Interested? Visit our web site shown above.

Raven West

Guardian abuse is the new crime of the 21st century. The
National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse was created to
help victims and their families obtain justice in an seemingly
unjust political and judicial court system.

Dr. Karen Stephen, Mental Health
Advisor for NABBW


Karen has a new feature on her Doctor Flamingo Online website
CUSTOMIZING YOUR LIFE. Midlife women can learn how to
create a new pattern
for their lives, one unique to their own gifts and talents, and
then put it
into action with flair. She is enjoying continued success
publicizing her romance suspense novel, DEGREES OF
OBSESSION, she put over 100 copies into the hands
of avid readers at the April LA Times Festival of Books

Marcia Merrill

Marcia is known as the Transition Chick. She is a midlife coach
and author in a compilation of women writers on personal/
professional/spiritual development-"Inspiration to Realization",
Vol. 3 (Aug. 2006). Her chapter is on The Transition Cycle &
Navigating it Successfully! Her specialty is helping midlife
women in Life/Career Transitions turn midlife into the RIGHT
Life! She offers NABBW members a 25% special discount on
all her coaching services. Visit her & get her e-book on "5
Secrets to Career/Life Triumphs!"

Tracy Taravade

"Boomer Humor" – Cascade Greetings is introducing its new
line of greeting cards called "Boomer Humor". It is a
humorous line of greeting cards aimed at female baby
boomers. Please visit her web site above.

Patrika Vaughn
Writing Problems? Find out why your writing isn't working and
how to fix it, with the Diagnostic Tape. Learn the problems that
keep works from being published, and how to correct them.

Charleen Micheles

Always wished you had a friend in the writing business? Well
now you do. Contact Charleen about editing your writing for

Nancy Mills,
founder of Spirited Woman, invites you to participate in the
SPIRITED WOMAN CIRCLE an exclusive new monthly 1-hr.
phone conversation series with famous women.

Pat LaPointe

Pat is looking for women age 50-65 willing to complete a
interviewed for a project which focuses on the past and present
experiences, challenges and wisdom of today's midlife woman.
Please contact Pat LaPointe, Director, WomensVoices: An
Enrichment Center for Today's Midlife Woman
(www.womansvoices.info) either by
phone: 847-520-7035 or email:

Joan Eisenberg
Joan is seeking before-and-after photos of kosher kitchens to
be included in a book she's writing to be released this fall. She
is a Certified Master Kitchen & Bath Designer (CMKBD) and has
been designing kosher kitchens since the 1980s. Clients have
encouraged her to write the book, which will include a
compilation of projects, products, as well as design guidelines.
Guidelines for project submission may be obtained by calling
Eisenberg directly at (410) 764-3789, or at http://www.kosherkitchensbydesign.com/



Thank you to the following for taking a part in sharing
information about NABBW and BWS:

Darlene Pitts

Thanks to Divorce Facts for publishing my article:

www.boomerwomenspeak.com is the
# 1 site on search engines for “baby boomer women.” Join us
in our forums where you can share from the heart, give and
receive advice, and make new friends.

Feel free to forward this to
friends, family and colleagues.
Please email dots@nabbw.com if you no longer
want to receive this publication.

NABBW Contributing Author

Posted in:
Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.