  Wednesday - March 26th, 2025

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The NABBW WantsYour Feedback!

Dear NABBW Members,I wanted to do something a little bit different, so I\’m switching gears for this week only. The NABBW 2008 Editiorial Calendar is almost complete. As you know, our mission remains educating and empowering boomer women. We want you to be the best you can be at this time in your life. Our generation is approaching this stage differently than generations before us. We see this as a jumping off point and a time to get jazzed about our second adulthood. So, our plan for 2008 is to focus on specific topics each month. This means our teleseminars and NABBW Updates will pertain to the topic of the month. To make certain we are covering your needs, and to stay abreast of this ever-changing boomer world, we\’re sending you a list of 15 topics we believe need to be addressed.

Please read the list, then respond with the top five subjects you want to learn more about because we want you to be the boomer woman you are called to be. Don\’t see your topic? Then simply add it to your email response. All you need to do is hit the reply button to respond.
Here is the list:

1. Marriage and/or divorce, dating, singlehood
2. Diet and exercise, cosmetic surgery, menopause, and male menopause, etc.
3. Empty nest, boomerangs, letting go of adult children, daughter-in-law relationships
4. Caregiving for our parents, grandchildren, children, and – who takes care of us?
5. Loss, bereavement
6. Fashion, clothes, shoes, purses
7. Travel – traveling solo, girlfriend get-aways, safe travel, how to pack, out of the way places, overseas, etc.
8. Downsizing, organizing, redecorating, gardening
9. Finances, Debt, and everything in-between
10. Technical support (everything you always wanted to know about your computer OR the Internet)
11. Finding your passion – what do I want to be when I grow up?
12. Owning your own business – entrepreneurial, working from home, etc.
13. Faith, religion, beliefs,
14. Domestic violence, verbal abuse
15. Writing, Publishing, Agents

Please hit the reply button to submit your choices. You can cut and paste them into your reply, or retype them. Remember, you can also add your own topics.
We are looking for the best experts to serve your needs in the new year. If YOU are the expert, then email us and tell us ten things women will learn in a teleseminar with you at the helm.

I look forward to receiving your responses!

A couple of additonal notes for you.

  • Member News will resume next week so please send us your latest updates.
  • We\’ll be sending a reminder next week about our teleseminar, Boomer Technical Skills, with Helen Gallagher, which is scheduled for Thursday, December 6. Watch for this update to receive the “call-in” information if you\’ve missed it!

Dotsie Bregel, Founder
The National Association of Baby Boomer Women (NABBW)
Boomer Women Speak?

NABBW Contributing Author

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.