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NABBW September Update

Dear Friends,

It's time for a little update. First, I'd like to inform you that the
link from our monthly teleseminar is now on the Member
Benefits page at www.nabbw.com.
Please login to your account to listen! Barbara Friesner did an
excellent job sharing how we can better care for our aging parents. I
hope you will take the time to listen.

I had the tremendous pleasure of meeting Marianne Gray, the editor
for me* Magazine while I was in Winter Park, Florida. I was
truly blown away by her tour of the Menopause the Musical,
me*Magazine, and MTM Uncorked (Women Who Wine) headquarters. Jeanie
Linders has created an empire for midlife women and it's all fabulous.
I experienced creativity like never before as Marianne showed me
through their facility and introduced me to all the remarkable women
(and two men) who do what it takes to keep a show, magazine, and wine
club going. More to come in Boomer Women's World next month.

October Featured Author: Be sure and visit the forums at Boomer Women Speak in October when we'll be featuring Dianne Swartz, Author of Whose Face is in the Mirror, expert
on Domestic Violence. Dianne has become the crusader for
women everywhere who've suffered domestic abuse, giving them a voice
against domestic violence. She will answer
questions, offer advice, and provide proof to the
world that you can heal from the violence, you can begin
anew, you can survive AND most importantly, you are not
alone. You can visit Dianne's web page to learn more or Amazon to purchase her book.

October Writing Contest: Tina Turner? John Wayne? Steve Erwin?
T.S. Elliott? Jack Wolfman? Cher? Rosa Parks? Oprah? Who is your
fav? Tell us in your own words…We want to know!

If you had the chance to meet the one celebrity, alive or dead, that
you've always wanted to meet, who would that be, and why do you want to
meet them? (Celebrity status involves TV, Movies, Radio, Athletes, or
Singers ONLY)

In essay format, give us your story of WHO you would want to
meet, and WHY. Please read and follow the guidelines below and good

• Submit your entry in a WORD document, not in the body of an email.
• Your submission must have a title.
• Edit your work before submitting. We will not edit for you.
• Word count should be below 800 and use 1 1/2 on spacing.
• ONE SPACE between sentences. (We will not edit your work)
• MAKE SURE you include your complete name, email address, and short
bio WITHIN the essay not in the body of the email. Your email address
will not be published unless you asked that we provide it along with
your name.
• In the subject line write "October Writing Contest." Submit your entries to the email address below by October 31, 2006.
• One entry per person
• Send entries to georgia@boomerwomenspeak.com

Please don't forget that you can send us three sentences for our
Members Only section of Boomer Women's World. Please do so before
October 5th.

Dotsie Bregel, Founder

NABBW Contributing Author

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.