  Friday - March 28th, 2025

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Member Benefits

The most important part of being a member of NABBW is taking advantage of your membership. We’ve developed a complete package that offers a variety of products, services, and resources to help any boomer woman tackle midlife’s challenges. Take full advantage of all offerings — Join Now or keep reading about the benefits of NABBW membership.

View our Getting Started with NABBW Guide! If you are already a member and logged in, Click Here.

What your NABBW Membership Includes:

  1. COMPLIMENTARY One year subscription (six issues – bi-monthly magazine) to GRAND Magazine, where you\’ll find a world that celebrates the joys and tackles the challenges of one of life\’s sweetest experiences – having grandchildren.
  2. FREE FINANCIAL ADVICE offered via e-mail from financial planning expert, Pamela Sams at Jackson Sams Financial Services. [Advice offered for straightforward issues requiring no extended research.]
  3. FREE LEGAL ADVICE offered via e-mail from a women\’s law issues expert at Hodes, Ulman, Pessin and Katz, P.A., attorneys at law.
    • FREE ADVICE offered via email for women suffering from sexual abuse or domestic violence issues.
    • Advice offered for straightforward issues requiring no extended research.
  4. 10% OFF the Best Online Discounted Rates to Ten Top Hotel Chains and Resorts.
  5. FREE TELE-CONFERENCES pertaining to baby boomer women topics. We offer three new teleseminars each month, plus you have access to over 70 archived calls.
  6. MIDLIFE COACHING at a discount with high quality coaches in the fields that interest you.
  7. DISCOUNTED Web Design by NABBW’s Web designer at: webmaster@nabbw.com
  8. SAVE 15%* AT 1-800-FLOWERS and THE POPCORN FACTORY when you use a specific promotional code for NABBW members.
  9. SAVE $25 off Smart Women Membership at the Smart Women\’s Institute, courtesy of NABBW Writing/Publishing Expert Sheri McConnell
  10. COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION with author Ronda Del Boccio for women who want to explore Book Aurhoring.
  11. PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES for your Web sites and businesses through NABBW’s resources.
  12. GET NOTICED as a featured member in our newsletter.
  13. BE FEATURED on our blog, “Voices of Baby Boomer Women.”
  14. EXCLUSIVE MEMBER ADVERTISING RATES at our sister site, www.BoomerWomenSpeak.com, the #1 site for “baby boomer women” on all search engines.
  15. CONNECT to other women who are seeking, claiming, and living their passions at midlife through the NABBW Forums.
  16. ACCESS TO A WEALTH OF INFORMATION pertaining to baby boomer women through NABBW and our sister site, www.BoomerWomenSpeak.com.
  17. INCLUSION IN THE ONLINE MEMBER DIRECTORY with your profile and banner ad.
  18. ENJOY ACCESS TO FELLOW NABBW MEMBERS with opportunities to exchange Web links, banner ads, and other networking information.
  19. DELIGHT IN THE LIGHTER SIDE OF MIDLIFE with our Boomer humorist, Leigh Anne Jasheway, M.P.H., as well as marketing information, self-improvement, and other empowering information about getting organized, living life in the moment, relationships, mental health, retirement and winning in the workplace.
  20. TAP INTO THE ENERGY AND TALENTS of other members, and create lasting friendships with women around the world.

NABBW Contributing Author

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.