Friday - April 19, 2024

Sex for Grownups: Dr. Dorree Reveals the Truths, Lies, And Must-Tries for Great Sex After 50

October 18th, 2010

Sex for Grownups: Dr. Dorree Reveals the Truths, Lies, And Must-Tries for Great Sex After 50 Author: Dorree Lynn, Ph.D. , with Cindy Spitzer www.FiftyandFurthermore.com Reviewed by: Anne Holmes for the NABBW By the time you reach 50, chances are sex is no longer something shiny and new. In fact, you may even have come to think that since you aren’t as young, thin or agile as you used to be, great sex is a thing of the past. After all, if you watch TV long enough, you’ve seen all those ED commercials, featuring older adults, right? Well don’t despair. While this book is not one of those how-to-do-it... Read More

Getting an STD From Your Partner During Midlife

September 22nd, 2010

Dear Dr. Dorree, I started seeing this really nice guy about four months ago, and I was really starting to like him, but I just found out he gave me gonorrhea! Can you believe it, at my age? I feel like a fool. —Katrina, 69 Katrina, No one likes to hear they picked up a sexually transmitted disease (STD). We tend to think this sort of thing only happens to teenagers and prostitutes, but of course, that’s not true. STDs are passed around at every age— even to very nice people like you. That’s why we say everyone, even people who don’t have to worry about pregnancy, need to use condoms... Read More