  Friday - March 28th, 2025

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Here’s what NABBW members had to say when asked: “What do you enjoy most about NABBW?”

  • The camaraderie of so many accomplished professional women and their willingness to offer their services to help others. This is a rare commodity in today’s world.
  • Functionality of the site and the level of professionalism offered by those who are associated with NABBW.
  • The friendly atmosphere and networking opportunities.
  • Opportunity to be mentioned in the newsletter.
  • The fellowship and encouragement.
  • Taking advantage of the advice on finances and retirement benefits, etc. And yes, I was quite pleased. It made my decision an easy one.
  • Networking with other writers and the opportunities we bring to each other.
  • Promoting my services and book
  • All the wonderful information available in the forum section.
  • The opportunity to have an article accepted and shared.
  • Information about other boomer women and how they cope with job, parents, children, life….
  • Connecting with like and different minds.
  • The newsletter – lots of helpful articles.
  • Finding resources to guide me through this midlife transition, the variety of topics covered and the ability to connect with other women.
  • Feeling connected to other women, the timely topics.
  • Contact with your columnists — very happy with response.

“I just joined NABBW because I believe my book speaks to Boomer Women just like me. It feels like coming home. This is my first entry. I wrote my first book entitled Red Hot Revolution as an effort to sort out my feelings about turning 50 when I really felt like I was 30. It helped me define my history and clarify my future. I wasn’t sure where I wanted to go from here. I wasn’t sure who I really had become. I really wasn’t sure about anything anymore. Once I finished it, I wanted to tell my story to the world. Hopefully, this site will propel my book into the hands of women who share my passion for living. I am excited about being a member!

Thank you for today’s teleseminar. It was worth every minute. You got me motivated again! You gave me new directions, new resources and a renewed enthusiasm in my mission – my passion to turn my book into a brand for women who are living and giving with passion. I’m off and running once again! Thank you. I needed the nudge.”

“I am a new NABBW member and simply want to thank you, not only for the fabulous site you have put together, but also for its navigability and the warmth and belonging I felt when I became a member. I am so impressed by how clear the communication is and how smooth the experience of signing up was. Everything has been just perfect. I definitely feel at home!

Looking forward to all this community has to offer and to contributing all that I have to offer,”

“You know, every time I make time to read your newsletter or visit the site I feel like I have received a ton of value. I have to read a lot of news in my business and follow a lot of web stuff – but yours is truly personal, valuable and fascinating. I’d like to take this moment to thank you.”

“I urge you to join the NABBW!! I am a member myself and know first-hand how terrifically supportive and helpful they are. The NABBW offers highly useful information for boomer women in their newsletters and teleseminars–just what you need to learn, exactly when you need it! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join like-minded women exploring all the possibilities we have for creating more health, happiness and love in our lives.”

    Dr. Diana Kirschner, author of the bestselling book, Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love.

“My membership packet arrived yesterday and What I found inside was amazing! I loved learning about all the great ways I can get involved and meet others in the association. I also appreciated your long list of benefits- what a huge value you offer for my small investment. You did a great job explaining it all. And the extra goodies were fun, too. Thank you.”

“Your teleseminar Get Smart about Digestive Health with Carolyn O’Neil can be summed up in three words: informative,lively, entertaining. So often teleseminars get bogged down with meaningless conversation – not so with NABBW! Keep up the good work!”

    Chloe Jon Paul
    Author & Speaker
    Pending publication: Entering the Age of Elegance: A Rite of Passage & Practical Guide for the Modern Maturing Woman

“You certainly have your finger the pulse of Baby Boomers. Your talk on the Top Ten Boomer Trends at the Baby Boomer Expo in Mystic, CT was right on! We are such a similar and unique group if there could be such a thing. So many of your points hit home. You are a great voice for our generation and to our generation. I walked away from your talk enlightened, informed and entertained. Who could ask for more!”

“Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your site. It’s chock full of great information for baby boomers and women. It’s a wonderful support network for people going through all kinds of transitions and challenges. I am adding your site to my resource page on my boomer site BummedOutBoomer.com.”

“Allow me to tell you why I just renewed my NABBW membership.

The BWS forums allow me to have a sense of “belonging.” As a childless woman, not of my own choosing, in a world full of mothers and now grandmothers, I’ve felt so out of place my entire adult life with no experiences of childbirth, first teeth, first steps, graduations, weddings to share and chit-chat about.

Here at the BWS forums, it’s so great to be among women who have lives outside of their children. I can “virtually” converse with those on subjects that I can identify with, without feeling as though I have two heads by not being a mother.

Thank you for offering a neutral place of comfort for all “walks” of life. I feel at home with you!”

“Connections lead to more connections. That’s what happened to me recently. I was contacted by Me Magazine to be profiled for “Second Wind” because of my connection with Boomer Women. Thanks NABBW!”

    Nan Russell
    Author of Hitting Your Stride

“I was in the audience for the Ann Marie Kelly’s About Choosing Victory: How to Stop Surviving Your Life and Start Living It. Ann Marie bought her own unique spin on how we should keep changing in order to more towards a more authentic life – one that is successful and victorious.

Her six skills to develop a new lifestyle were filled with great information from take control of who you are and what you want, to it’s not who you know but who knows what you know – made me pause and take another look at how we go about our daily lives. I thank her for shedding light on how baby boomer women can take care of themselves and have the lives they want.”

“The NABBW site is not just a “feel good” girlfriend place to visit on the web (although it does do that). It is a powerful tool for connecting and promoting boomer women all over the world – filled with opportunity. Dotsie is one connected woman and someone every Boomer woman should know. As an associate and author on the site, I have had my NABBW articles picked up by national publications many times. And, when Dotsie put out the invitation extended by Money Magazine to be interviewed for a retirement article – I jumped on it recognizing yet another great opportunity. Long story short, my husband and I were interviewed and we were highlighted in the November 2007 issue (on newsstands now). NABBW is the place to be – for connections, education and fun!”

“I am a proud, participating member of NABBW and BWS who finds support and resources at all times, visiting the forums with acceptance and without pretension any time, day or night. My boomer sisters graciously share wisdom, humor, honesty, and stories of success and failure, as well as courage and fear. You give us the tools and we are responsible for using them in good faith. I found friends, an editor, and a virtual assistant. I made a successful connection leading to an excerpt from my book appearing in an issue of me*magazine. These possibilities were available to me because of your dream, generosity, and dedication.”

    Saundra Goodman
    Got Teeth? A Survivor’s Guide ~ How to keep your teeth or live without them.

“I joined the NABBW today and promptly explored the online benefits. Because I recently wrote a book,”Complimentary Author Talks” was my first click. There, I heard NABBW Founder Dotsie Bregel being interviewed by Sheri McConnell (National Associations of Women Writers and Web Entreprenuers) about the benefits of creating one’s own association. It was an hour well-spent. Dotsie and Sheri talked about getting organized, advantageous use of emails and the Web, “Google Alerts,” virtual assistants–I found myself taking notes! It feel good to be a member of this group. I’m glad I made the investment.”

    Jo Myers
    Author of “Good to Go”, “The ABCs of Death and Dying”, “The Ultimate Planning Guide for Baby Boomers and Their Parents”

“Thank you so much for giving my name to On-Line Publishers. They contacted me for permission to use some of my articles for the upcoming launch of boomer magazine (which I granted!!!) and I look forward to working with them. Because you are so generous about sharing the spotlight, they are only the latest people to contact me. Thank you and NABBW SO much for being my best advocate and sales person!!!”

“You is the voice of the Baby Boomer women generation. The National Association of Baby Boomer Women and Boomer Women Speak web sites have deep truths that we all can relate to. I look to you for guidance, education and inspiration.”

“I just wanted to take this moment to thank you personally for a great call. Even though I have been self-employed for many years, and worked from home, I still learned a couple of great tips on your teleseminar!

It is wonderful to get a response that is not an auto responder from a membership based organization. I do believe it makes a world of difference.”

“I can’t say enough about www.BoomerWomenSpeak.com and the power of advertising with them. Referrals from this site are consistent. BWS continues to be the highest referring site I have each month. Lots of bang for the buck for sure! Her rates are more than fair. You are is so easy to work with. Aside from the benefits of advertising, I love to peruse the boards as often as I can. I have found the BWS forums to be a great resource. Thanks for all of your hard work and providing us with such a valuable service.”

    Eileen Kisailus, President
    Lunar Radiance ~ Sleepwear Solutions for Women With Night Sweats

“Through the NABBW, I’ve made numerous connections, sold hundreds of books, gotten several speaking engagements, and met many, many wonderful women. I can’t thank you enough, Dotsie, for founding this wonderful organization!”

    Prill Boyle, Author of Defying Gravity: A Celebration of Late-Blooming Women

“I’m so glad I found the National Association of Baby Boomer Women. What a wonderful, supportive group! As a member, I can take advantage of so many benefits, including Financial Planning Guidance, Entrepreneurial Analysis, Lifestyle Fitness Consultation, as well as obtain discounts on many products, educational opportunities, and live support on many subjects. The membership has been wonderful for my business and my personal life. I look forward to being a member for many years.”

“This one of those ‘can you believe it’ moments in life. My first book, Live in the Moment, came out in 2004 and soon after I put together a proposal for a 2nd book and started to seek an agent. Well, one thing led to another and I realized that I wasn’t passionate about that 2nd book idea…which probably led to my troubles finding an agent, etc.

The past year or so I shelved the idea of a 2nd book until I became passionate again. This week I received an email from an agent in NYC who is interested in women’s nonfiction books – and after looking through my website, me! After a few emails and a really dynamic phone conversation, we realized that we could have the seeds of a good collaborative connection. I’ve since committed to delivering a proposal to her by July 1 and we’ll see if it goes anywhere. In any case, I’m re-energized for writing another book because of our conversations (and potential working relationship). How did she find me, you ask? Through the National Association of Baby Boomer Women Website where I am a columnist! Thank you for bringing women together as only you can do!”

“Thank you for inviting me on the call. I was there the entire time and took notes while Elinor was talking. Please remember to keep me on your email list for upcoming events. Thank you and I truly loved hearing her story. I was very inspired by her integrity and decision to live life and keep moving forward.”

    Linda Kral, Principal

“Just sending a quick ‘thank-you’ for including mention of my research study Women Overcoming Professional Crisis: Finding New Meaning in Life and Work in your newsletter. Already heard from one wonderful woman, and am looking forward to more! I’m very much enjoying your organization and learning about the wonders of boomer women everywhere. I appreciate all your help.”

“I would like to finish my graduate work and begin my own business — whatever that may be. The NABBW is so inspiring because it gives me courage, determination, and valuable information to pursue my dreams.”

    Susan Schmitz

“I’m thrilled with all the great benefits of being a member of the NABBW, including discounts at the Popcorn Factory. At Christmastime I was in a time-crunch (weren’t we all?), so I turned to the NABBW for some help. I hadn’t taken advantage of the numerous discounts available with my membership, so I scrolled through the website and the Popcorn Factory “popped” out! There was something for everyone on my list. It was quick, easy, and “stress-free.” My membership to the NABBW has already paid for itself in the discounts I have received.”

“Since joining NABBW I have learned so many valuable things in such a short time: How to place articles on the web, get reciprocal links with other members, find teleseminars and other resources. You are so generous with her ideas and so are the other NABBW members. Thanks! Boomer Women rock!”


“I have been amazed at how much business has “jumped” since becoming an associate for the NABBW! It seems I receive a phone call or email from an NABBW member at least once a week, and what I’ve found is that I truly enjoy working with boomer women. They are fun, friendly and truly have a passion for what they do. I enjoy my business, but more importantly, I enjoy building friendships and relationships, of which I’ve done with every NABBW member I’ve crossed paths with. Thank you so much for starting this wonderful association.”

“Stumbling upon NABBW has changed the course of my life. First I found Georgia Richardson in the member directory…we live 40 miles apart, are both writers and speakers…and now not only are we fast friends, we are joining forces for workshops and book signings.

Second, as a result of viewing some of the members’ web sites, I came across By, For and About Women Radio. Now I’m hosting Loving Life Radio Show, www.LovingLifeRadioShow.com. And I have found some wonderful guests for the show in the Member Directory, including our own Dotsie Bregel. It’s like a one-stop shop of interesting, inspirational women!

Third, I’ve seen an increase in book sells of Bertha-Size Your Life! www.BerthaSize.com following a rave book review in the NABBW Newsletter. The Newsletter’s Member News section is a great venue for getting the word out about upcoming events.

Fourth, my article Boomer Women…Cruising Through Midlife was selected for the NABBW Members’ Articles. I can hardly wait to submit another one.

Last, but by no means least, I love participating in the Boomer Women Speak Forum. Visiting the forum is always a bright spot in my day. There’s something there for everyone.

I’m amazed that all this has occurred in only four months. Thanks…I couldn’t have done it without you!”

    Jane Carroll

“When I discovered the NABBW web site, I just knew I had to be a part to it. It is so great to have the support, timely information and resources that you provides. Who knew it would be a great career move as well? I noticed there was not a fitness associate, so I offered myself and I am so glad I did. The first article I wrote and submitted was picked up by national magazine for Boomer women – me* Magazine. Thanks you for the opportunity. I am thrilled.”

“I want to thank you for recommending me to Satisfaction Magazine published by the Chicago Tribune. My husband and I just got the current issue — and for our 2nd appearance in the magazine (thanks to you in the first place). On pages 40-41 there is a HUGE photo of us with the title Doctors of Dating. Then we’re quoted throughout the article – as is a client of ours about our work. He’s quoted about the benefits of getting coached for in Smart Dating after 50. The writer also cited our 3rd book, Be Loved for Who You Really Are (St. Martin’s Press). Thanks again!”

“If you’re looking for outstanding information on how to grow your business…
I would highly recommend listening to Jennifer Kalita’s teleconference recording of The Entrepreneurial Boomer Woman: How to Start & Stay in Business. This was by far one of the most informative, down-to-earth sessions I have listened to in a long time. Jennifer covers a great deal of much needed information in a short period of time. I would also recommend visiting Jennifer’s website http://www.thekalitagroup.com/ to access various free reports and white papers. You will be glad you did.”

Contacts through the NABBW newsletter:
“Can’t thank you enough. The newsletter has been instrumental in helping me reach not only women in their homes, but has been a venue for networking with women in the media—I even received a contact at NBC national news!!”

    Pamela D. Blair, Ph.D.,
    Author, The Next Fifty Years: A Guide for Women at Midlife & Beyond

“Suzanne Falter-Barns is the real deal! She’s a wonderful, smart, savvy woman with much to share. Before listening to her NABBW teleseminar the other night, I thought I was a PR pro who had created an effective platform for my work. But Suzanne imparted a treasure trove of tips that I’d never even considered. She also provides lots of great freebies along with her for-charge services. What an incredible group of women you have brought together! I’m proud to call myself an NABBW member.”

NBC Nightly News contact through NABBW

“Some of the best people I’ve ever met are people I’ve never met. Since joining the National Association of Baby Boomer Women I’ve had the privilege of meeting incredible women, but I never expected my membership would lead to our family being featured on National television! On Monday, January 23, I received a phone call from our founder Dotsie who had been contacted by the producer NBC Nightly News for a segment they were featuring on the sandwich generation. By 1:00 the film crew was in our home interviewing myself, my husband Bill, my daughter Michelle and my parents Ruby and Reginia Cohen. The segment aired on Tuesday night and was seen by my friends and family coast to coast. Thank you Dotsie and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women for this incredible experience!”

    Raven West

“Thanks to NABBW, I was recently interviewed for a segment on the sandwich generation for NBC Nightly News! I knew the National Association of Baby Boomer Women was a great forum to share important Baby Boomer information but I had no idea it would provide a national platform. Thank you National Association of Baby Boomer Women!”

“NABBW is a great place for networking. Not only have I gotten valuable input from women on the Baby Boomer Women forums when I’m planning articles and presentations, but I also just got my first assignment from me* Magazine. The editors saw my columns on the site, and it didn’t hurt that Dotsie put in a good word. Way to go!”

“It’s a pleasure working with you! Your recommendation of me as a Relationship Expert to me* magazine has already paid off. They’re publishing an article of ours in their Jan/Feb issue. They found it on the NABBW site. And we’ve yet to talk with them, so who knows what all your wonderful support may produce!”

Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.