Friday - April 19, 2024

Lorraine Miano, NABBW’s Holistic Menopause Health Associate, Shares News on How to Prevent or Reverse Post-Menopause Osteoporosis

September 7th, 2023

By Lorraine Miano, NABBW’s Holistic Menopause Health Associate My recent osteoporosis diagnosis felt like a sucker punch to the gut. It was totally unexpected and left me wondering how and why did this happen? As a health and menopause coach, I felt I was doing all the right things by exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, limiting alcohol and caffeine, and taking my supplements. I knew I might be at higher risk since I am post-menopausal, small-boned, and chose not to use hormone replacement therapy due to personal reasons.   However, I felt I was doing well, especially since my... Read More

You May Not Be “Past That!”

November 2nd, 2021

By Lorraine Miano, for the NABBW The information in this article is provided for educational purposes only. If you have a health concern, please contact your healthcare provider.   “Oh, I’m past that.” When a woman asks me what I do, and this is her response. The thing is, as a post-menopausal woman, you are far from “past that.” Let me explain. As a certified health and hormone coach specializing in menopause, I hear from women in all stages of this natural phase of our reproductive years. Perimenopausal women often don’t even realize they have entered this phase and... Read More