Generation Bold Radio, March 8, 2022–How to Become a Better Partner, Parent, and Person; Guest Alex Bäcker
- Generation Bold Radio, March 8, 2022--How to Become a Better Partner, Parent, and Person; Guest Alex Bäcker BizTalkRadio 42:52
Who doesn’t want to be a better lover, parent, leader, son, daughter, friend, or partner? Drone app inventor Alex Bäcker, Ph.D. set out to write a life’s-best-practices book for his adult children in case he didn’t survive his planned expedition to Africa. Famous publishers and business coaches recommended Bäcker publish the book — not only for his children, but for the rest of the world.
And he did.
“101 Clues to a Happy Life, ” by Alex Bäcker, Ph.D. is scheduled to be published on February 2, 2022. (Yes, 02/02/2022 was chosen on purpose.) Readers will discover how to:
> Get paid to travel the world.
> Get out of traffic tickets.
> Choose a mate and go after love.
> Recover from a fight with a loved one.
> Pick a career.
> Navigate divorce (if you must).
> Select a partner, a lawyer, or a home.
> Avoid the number one turn-off for people around you.
> Dump toilet paper. (And why it matters!)
> Deal with jealousy and fear.
> Use alternatives to the words, “I’m sorry.”
> Get anyone’s attention.
> Decide when to go to sleep.
> Prioritize what’s most important to you.
Bäcker’s book contains these life lessons and much more. One of the lessons was inspired by the Beatles, one of the Bäcker family’s favorite bands.
Alex Bäcker, Ph.D. holds 11 patents and in 2021 was named among the top 100 MIT Alumni in Technology. His seminal papers on COVID and sunlight were picked up by the press around the world. Many of us wait in lines less thanks to Bäcker’s app QLess, and soon we will visit locations around the world by renting drones from the comfort of our home with a new app he’s co-created called Drisit. Dr. Bäcker’s new book, “101 Clues to a Happy Life,” started as an homage to his adult children. Order his book on Amazon. Alex Bäcker, Ph.D is co-founder of Drisit, a platform to fly drones anywhere, and QLess, which won multiple awards for eliminating waiting in line for hundreds of millions. He is a scientist, inventor, writer, speaker, and entrepreneur.