Generation Bold Radio, July 26, 2020–Guest: Amy Chalfy, JASA
- Generation Bold Radio, July 26, 2020--Guest: Amy Chalfy, JASA BizTalkRadio 42:32
Amy Chalfy is a 30-year veteran of JASA, currently serving as the agency’s Co-Chief Program Officer. During her tenure at JASA, she has served in several positions including Associate Director of Group Services, Bronx District Director, Director of Mental Health Services, and Director of Programs. Amy holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Brooklyn College, a Master of Social Work Degree from Hunter College, and a Master of Library and Information Science Degree from Simmons University.
JASA is the go-to agency serving older adults in New York City, providing critical services to over 40,000 people annually. Founded 50+ years ago, JASA is a leading expert and innovator in aging services that recognizes the diversity among the aging population and honors older adults as vital members of society. JASA’s life-changing support services, interventions and partnerships promote aging with a purpose and provide autonomy for older adults to remain in their homes and communities. JASA operates ten affordable housing properties, is a licensed home care agency and offers a breadth of integrative services citywide spanning free legal services, health and mental health services, home-delivered meals, social programming at senior centers and community trainings on elder abuse, peer health support, caregiver assistance and more.