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July 22nd, 2021

Generation Bold Radio, July 25, 2021–Guest: Dylan Livingston, Alliance for Longevity Initiatives

  1. Generation Bold Radio, July 25, 2021--Guest: Dylan Livingston, Alliance for Longevity Initiatives BizTalkRadio 40:16

The Alliance for Longevity Initiatives is the first and only 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization founded with the goal of creating social and political action around the issues of increasing human health and lifespan. A4LI works with healthcare leaders and experts in the geroscience and regenerative medicine fields to ensure the initiatives we pursue most directly reflects the needs of said communities. Ultimately, we would like to see governments around the world prioritize keeping their citizens in excellent health for much longer.

Adriane Berg Associate for Successful Aging & Ageless Travel

Adriane Berg is the Host of the two weekly podcasts, The Ageless Traveler: Lifelong Travel Made Easy and Generation Bold, The Fountain of Truth About Aging, as well as the author of fourteen books on money and lifestyle. She sits on the United Nations NGO-NYC Committee or Ageing and is Cheerleader in Chief for Business Authority 50+, guiding the growing number of later-life entrepreneurs to success. She is a Co-Founder of N.A.E.L.A., The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys.

Adriane is a highly sought-after business development consultant and inspirational keynote speaker, ready to present to your business or consumer audience.

Adriane's mission is to change our concept of aging and the mature life stage to one of good health, excitement, and accomplishment. Baby boomer women are the best educated and most affluent group of women in history. Yet, many struggle with one unifying issue. They have no real place for contribution.

Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.