Generation Bold Radio, January 23, 2022–Guest: Joyce Bidwell; Lifetime Insurance Settlements
- Generation Bold Radio, January 23, 2022--Guest: Joyce Bidwell; Lifetime Insurance Settlements BizTalkRadio 43:49
In her own words:
Over the decades, I’ve been an employee and an entrepreneur and can honestly say I gained much from both experiences. Throughout this long span of time, most of my focus was centered in sales and financial services. Now, as a wise and active senior, I’ve taken the stress level down a few notches as I assist other seniors with important advance planning decisions and financial options gently guiding them to peace of mind.
When I began working with seniors, I discovered how much enjoyment I receive assisting folks from my generation… most of us grew up in the fabulous 50’s and we have so much to share from those great years.
This new chapter started several years ago, when I went to a local funeral home to arrange for my mother who was imminent at the time. The Funeral Director asked me what I did and told him I had recently received my insurance licensing from the state to sell Life and Health insurance and he quickly offered me a job to sell a type of insurance called Pre-plan funeral arrangements to their community of families that use their services. After things settled down and I was over the initial loss of my mother, I decided to accept the funeral home’s offer. Since that time, I have evolved further into assisting seniors to plan ahead with Final Expense insurance with community outreach at senior centers and presentations at over 55 communities.
Then a few years ago, when I heard about the Life Insurance Settlement business, I knew immediately I wanted to offer this to seniors and decided to join an excellent firm that are pioneers in the Life Settlement industry with a successful track record and licensed in all 50 states. This was right before the pandemic landed on our shores like a vicious serial killer looking for seniors to infect. It was hard meeting seniors; everything was shut down. When an opportunity presented itself, I would email a message with the headline, “Don’t be caught unplanned and unprepared for the unexpected.” Now that we are out of the Covid woods, seniors are getting back to normal and starting to enjoy life and I’m busy contacting financial advisors and seniors who own a life insurance policy that they would like to sell for a top dollar cash settlement and never have to pay it back … It’s like Found Money.
That’s it in a nutshell about what I’m currently doing. My professional resume is extensive that goes back 50 years or more, mostly with sales and financial services experience and a few entrepreneurial pursuits. At this time, as previously mentioned, my focus is on the life insurance settlement business offering seniors an opportunity to sell a piece of paper that may be stuck away in a drawer that they forgot about and provide them with an opportunity to receive a cash settlement and more quality of life to enjoy their golden years.