  Sunday - February 16th, 2025

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Holding a Diva Garage Sale – Part II

How to Create a Hot Marketing Campaign

One Week before the Sale

I have run sales in many states, some personal and some for clients. Every locale has different requirements for holding sales and posting signs.

The first course on the docket should be to check in with the local authorities. Determine whether there are any garage sale ordinances or sign restrictions. (Some cities require a permit and stickers on all yard sale signs.)

S everal years ago, while holding a yard sale in Atlanta, I learned a hard lesson. As soon as the sale opened, people began arriving in droves. I was selling like a banshee. Then, around noon, the sale slowed down to a trickle, finally coming to a complete halt.

Wondering what happened, I hopped in my car and checked each corner where a sign had been posted. Every one had been taken down by the city … I had not adhered to the sign ordinance. Although I corrected it the next day, I lost a good portion of what should have been my busiest sale day.

Launch a hot marketing campaign.

  • Watch for l ocal competition. Rummage sales, flea markets, estate sales, thrift stores and auctions that are in the area are great for pulling in more traffic which equates to more sales.
  • Advertisements should be placed in all the local newspapers, which will typically include an online listing.
  • Facebook, M ySpace, Yahoo, Twitter and Google accounts should be peppered with your sale ads.
  • Keep descriptions exciting and clear. People have many thrift choices … especially in the thick of the garage sale season.
  • Internet competition is stiff. Enticing detail is important. Listing centers like Craigslist have no limits on the amount of copy an advertiser can use, so merchandise effusively – more people will be lured to the sale.
  • Copy should be edited as the sale progresses. Also, make a point to list items that have sold. This has actually proven to entice even more people to show up.
  • New pictures, posted daily, take full advantage of the statistics that prove pictures pull 35 percent more viewers than ads with no pictures.
  • Craigslist is a very user-friendly site. Don’t be afraid to play around with it to get your ads just right.
  • Log into www.Craigslist.co
  • On the right-hand side, see Post to Classifieds.
  • Write your ad copy and upload pictures of the sale or interesting and unique items.
  • Click the continue buttons until it says that an email will be sent confirming the advertisement. Do not forget this step, or your copy will not be po

Below is a recent ad that I posted on Craigslist. Notice the amount of copy. Ads are as playful and as detailed as I can make them. Feel free to copy the ad below:

Two fabulous Divas are . . . Putting on the GLITZ!


This fun-filled, one-time event has two designer-minded gals scurrying around emptying their coffers to bring you fabulous items and great bargains.

Sorry guys, no tools or guns. This is a fabulous Diva SALE!

Join the fun! All indoors, so RAIN or SHINE, catch the great thrift wave!

3860 Clintbeck Way
Aurora, GA 68127


Check out the goodies:

  • Kitchen items & small appliances: Two cooks … too much of everything!
  • Clothes: Designer Duds sizes 12-16 – FABULOUS
  • Cool furniture: Antique & Vintage
  • Lots of décor: Lamps, table accessories, plant stands, throw pillows, rugs
  • Boudoir: lovely bedding, bed throws, pillows
  • Beautiful glassware and colorful dishware
  • Lots more to list but my arm is cramping up . . . please join us!
Barbara Tobias Author, speaker, thrift specialist, and frugal decorating consultant

Barb Tobias, author, speaker, thrift specialist, and frugal decorating consultant is a hopeless Thrift-a-holic. Lauded as the frugally chic purveyor of an environmentally conscious nation, Barb' s release, Tossed & Found, gives the reader a birds-eye-view of the riches stashed within the dimly lit coffers of the thrift world. Barb Tobias is available for speaking engagements, workshops, guest appearances and media events. 1-877-711-DIVA (3482)

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