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Good Food for Good Sex

Good Food for Good Sex

By Dr. Dorree Lynn
NABBW’s Boomer Women Sexuality Expert

We are not going to tell you what foods to eat.

We believe green is good. However, some who live long never touch the stuff  and  there  are  plenty  of  cultures  that  eat,  drink,  and  be merry and somehow stay healthy while they’re doing it. Their foods  are  mostly  unprocessed  and  they  tend  to  eat  them  in moderation.

On the whole, America’s fast food diets seem to be health killers.  But no one diet is  right  for  everyone.  Pay attention to what you do eat.

Some foods are considered aphrodisiacs.

For example, there is some evidence that:

  • Chili  peppers  heat  up  the  bedroom  by  triggering  feel good endorphins.
    • Chocolate, while not great for the waistline, is rich in the amino acid phenylethylamine,  the  “love  chemical”  that serves as a natural antidepressant.
    • Pine nuts and oysters are both rich in zinc, which is necessary for sperm production.
    • Tomatoes, dubbed in Italy as “love apples,” are packed with lycopene, known for being  a  libido  enhancer.  (Lycopene improves eyesight, too, which also can be sexy.)

Dr. Dorree Lynn, NABBW’s Boomer Women Sexuality Expert is the founder and Editor-In Chief of FiftyandFurthermore.com, a lifestyle website that is known for offering sexy, savvy and sage advice for grownups over 50. She also blogs at www.DrDorreeLynn.com and writes a column in  Upbeat Senior. She is  a practicing psychologist and life coach in Washington, D.C. and Florida with over 4 decades of experience.

Dr. Dorree Lynn Practicing Psychologist and Life Coach

Dr. Dorree is the founder and Editor-In Chief of FiftyandFurthermore.com, a lifestyle website that is known for offering sexy, savvy and sage advice for grownups over 50. She is also a practicing psychologist and life coach in Washington, D.C. and Florida with over 4 decades of experience.

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