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Menopause and Tinnitus: Burning Issues for Women\’s Health

Menopause is a point in a woman\’s life when she stops menstruating for a full year and this can be overwrought with many symptoms, some bearable and some discomforting. Menopause symptoms like mood swings, loss of libido, extreme fatigue, hot flashes and weight gain are a cause of concern for most women. However, less common symptoms like Tinnitus- ringing or buzzing in the ear- change of body color and sometimes a sensation akin to electric shock under the skin may be worrisome.

Medical opinions associate Tinnitus with menopause. According to many studies, this ringing in the ears is a physical condition that can take place due to other reasons as well. Medicines like Prozac and regular aspirin may cause Tinnitus and research is underway to establish the role these medications play in causing hormonal changes during menopause.

Menopause and Tinnitus: Causes

Many women may opt for an HRT, (Hormonal Replacement Therapy) as a treatment for early menopause, hysterectomy and perimenopause or because their physician recommended it. Certain studies point a finger at HRT aggravating Tinnitus, as it uses artificial progesterone to ensure regular cyclical bleeding.

Most people experience Tinnitus as age sets in and menopausal women are not the only sufferers, though they seem worse affected than men. The onset of Tinnitus in menopause can make the best of us complain of fluid retention, depression, headache, dizziness, insomnia, raised blood pressure and migraines.

This ringing in the ears can be linked with both perimenopause and menopause for women in their forties, fifties and sixties more, as compared to any other age group. Another theory links menopause symptoms of sweating, hot flashes and mood changes to side effects of Tinnitus. Circulating hormone estrogen and progesterone can lead to or aggravate Tinnitus during menopause.

Menopause and Tinnitus: BHRT

Modern times have seen medical developments leading to Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy that has gained more popularity than HRT. This is mainly because BHRT consists of plant compounds, is identical in structure to human hormones, and therefore found more effective than HRT. This news brings hope for women going through menopause and putting up with Tinnitus as it may relieve them of the side effects associated with traditional HRT.

Menopause and Tinnitus: Effects

Menopause brings with it other issues like emotional stress and vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which can be common antagonists leading to Tinnitus. Nutritional deficiencies of B Vitamins, zinc, folic acid, antioxidants that are crucial in maintaining the overall health of women, may bring on Tinnitus or worsen the existing condition.

Menopause and Tinnitus: Treatments

Hope springs eternal and women\’s health experts offer simple solutions to the problems associated with menopause and Tinnitus. The first step is exercise and good nutrition, as these are beneficial for overall general health and bring relief from the persistent ringing in the ears. To make that annoying buzz go away, it is important for all menopausal women to take sufficient rest, particularly when stressed out or fatigued.

Seeking medical advice from an expert can clue you in about metabolic disturbances and provide necessary guidance about specific diets that could help. There are nutritional supplements like Arches Tinnitus relief formula, Tinnitus stress formula and Tinnitus B12 formula available for women undergoing menopause and suffering from this pain in the ear.

Cathy Taylor Writer, Entrepreneur

Cathy's passion for the internet, as well as her own transition into peri-menopause, was the impetus to create her first website Everything Menopause. She writes often regarding menopause and issues that concern women at mid-life including healing the mind, body and emotions. You can also find some of her health-related articles online at www.ezinearticles.com/?expert=Cathy_Taylor

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