  Thursday - January 16th, 2025

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Networking in the Spotlight

Most everyone in business talks about the importance of networking. But the real power and impact of how “meet and greet” really works usually remains a closely guarded secret. You\’ve no doubt attended a conference, training seminar, or even a singles dance and left wondering why the heck you bothered to comb your hair and wear your best shoes . . . right?

If you\’re like most people, it\’s happened many, many times. But that\’s because you never understood what you were there to do. If it was a conference you “knew” you were to sit and listen to the speakers.

If it was a singles event, you “knew” you were there to meet the “right” person. That\’s it. That\’s all you “knew.” And so that\’s all that could happen.

Well, enough of that. Enough of you standing around waiting to be approached. Enough of you thinking it\’s bad form to put yourself out there . . . BIG TIME.

Networking can only work for you to the degree that you MAKE it work for you.

For networking to really work for you, in business and socially, you have to not just show up, you have to put your Fabulous Self out there.

You think that\’s too pushy? Too showy? You think people who go to the front of the room and meet the speakers are obnoxious? That singles who strut their stuff are conceited? Well, it\’s time to rethink where you learned that it was “proper” to hide yourself. Then you need to betray that self-sabotaging belief by becoming a mover and shaker in your own life.

Here\’s the key, the only thing we want you to firmly establish in your awareness:


If you\’re single and looking how can you put yourself out there so that the person who is looking for you can actually find you?

And when it comes to business . . .

At a recent internet marketing event, a young man just out of college named Steve Naga came up to Judith and introduced himself. He told her that he\’d heard us on Alex Mandossian\’s Teleseminar Secrets call and that he\’d subscribed to our “Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous” Tips and thought they were impressive. Then he asked if he could get his photo taken with her and promptly asked a man nearby to do the digital honors when Judith said “Yes.”

Steve will be a superstar one day because he brought his bright enthusiasm and his clear, straightforward presence into plain sight. And not just with Judith. He made his presence known with the same kind of easy connection and had his photo taken with several others including one of the presenters, 29-year old marketing millionaire Tellman Knudson. Steve is young and doesn\’t have his own business yet. But notice that Steve is getting press coverage in our newsletter simply by being Fabulous Steve.

So, when you\’re out and about, how can you shine so you reap the kinds of rewards you want by Networking In The Spotlight?


If you haven\’t signed up for Judith & Jim\’s “Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous” tips go to: http://www.fearofbeingfabuous.com

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