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Boomers and Empty Nesters, How Do You Begin?

Life changes whether expected or planned.

Starting over is complex. What I hear over and over is, “I just need someone who gets what I am going through right now.” The reason I launched Empty Nest Support Services is because I did not want anyone to go through major life transitions alone. I have been through a list of them, including empty nest, illness, loss of loved ones, divorce, financial challenges, re-locating, career change in my fifties, re-marriage, loss of my best friend and more. I am passionate about passing on what I learned in order to help others know this is normal and there is life beyond this moment of challenges.

Yet, there are situations where you have just you. Support is unavailable. Here is one resource I offer in my speaking engagements, workshops, support groups, private consultations on the telephone and blogs:

  • Choose where you want to go for a walk
  • Carry a tote bag and pick up objects that attract your interest. Don\’t\’ think. Pick.
  • Dump them out at home and simply see them, like dumping your trick or treat bag of goodies. Really look at them. Move each around. Upside down, tilted, standing, etc.
  • Write what you see. Just words, not even sentences if that doesn\’t fall on the paper.
  • Now ask yourself what these objects are saying to you? For example, if you picked up a rock that looks like lips puckering up on the edge, are you longing for kissing or wish you could be left alone about kissing?
  • Use your found objects to assemble a story about you today verses your whole life.
  • Fifteen minutes of connecting with these objects can give you some unspoken awareness about what you are thinking, feeling and discovering about your wants and needs TODAY.
  • I believe art is healing. Telling our stories through found objects and making an assemblage with them is fun and insightful. You can glue some of them on poster boards, frame them, and set them on a table, dialogue with them, “hey what\’s up today? What do you need and how can you get that for yourself? What matters to you right now? What are you trying to tell me? No one will see you or hear you, so be a little wild with these objects that can speak to you.

    Objects are starters for having a conversation with yourself and sparking a little creativity which feeds your vitality.

    You are welcome to visit my BLOG section and see where I posted photos of found rocks at the beach and give examples about telling your story. Use the pictures of the rocks to ignite your story if you don\’t feel like going for a hunt.

    Sometimes, I use cut out pages from a variety of magazines that I buy at thrift stores. I ask myself, why am I drawn to that picture?

    Found objects are a good thing for days when you want insight and creativity.
    Looking forward to hearing your stories; you are welcome to email me natalie@emptynestsupport.com
    Featured in Time Magazine, USA Today, Associated Press, Lifetime Radio for Women, Washington Post, N. Y. Times, L.A. Times, Chicago Tribune, radio and more
    Los Angeles, Ca.
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    Natalie Caine Founder of Empty Nest Support Services

    Natalie Caine is the founder of Empty Nest Support Services. When her daughter was a senior in high school, she realized that as a soon-to-be “empty nester,” she would be undergoing a major life shift. Not wanting to confront this transition alone nor have her many friends face this abyss without strong support, she created a support services group, which quickly grew into a new career and an exciting full-time business.

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    Empty Nest
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