October 11th, 2006
Winning at Work
Poor Pluto. Stripped of its planetary status by the International Astronomical Union and reclassified as a “dwarf planet,” Pluto\’s demotion heralds new rules for planet classification. A week of debate by renowned astronomers from seventy-five countries culminated in the decision to reduce the number of planets to eight “classic” ones. This reclassification got me thinking. […]
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September 15th, 2006
Winning at Work
It was clear she was having “one of those days.” But to be truthful, I didn\’t care. I was too nervous about my surgery to pay attention to Doris, the nurse grousing about how overworked she was that Thursday. But by the time I was wheeled back to my same-day surgical room, she was even […]
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September 15th, 2006
We women entrepreneurs like our work. We\’re great networkers and natural relationship-builders. We welcome the opportunity to pitch our services to a prospect. We send out one heck of a newsletter. Our customer service is the best in town. And, we\’re forever reading articles and attending seminars to educate ourselves about how to run things […]
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August 1st, 2006
Winning at Work
With mounting to-do lists, big projects with short delivery dates, consuming workloads, growing obligations and festering unfinished tasks, it\’s no wonder in this what-have-you-done-for-me-today world we often feel time deprived. Work-life flows to home-life, balance becomes imbalance, and goals and dreams get relegated to a closet shelf. If this sounds familiar, you\’re not alone. In […]
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July 1st, 2006
Winning at Work
I once had a boss who informed me there was no such thing as company politics. At the time, I decided that depended on whether you were the person wielding power or influenced by it. In my career experience, I\’d categorize self-serving antics, sabotaging behaviors, information hoarding and artful manipulation under the heading of company […]
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July 1st, 2006
You\’re a woman in business which, by definition, means you\’re one clever time and resource manager. You can balance the books, walk 3 miles a day, and volunteer at the blood bank in a single bound. And all while running a business. But who knew that running your business would be the easy part? Your […]
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June 1st, 2006
Winning at Work
Ancora imparo, translated as “I am still learning” or “Still, I am learning,” is attributed to Michelangelo in his eighty-seventh year. The man who painted the Sistine Chapel and sculpted the Pieta and David, whose very name evokes mastery of his craft, exemplifies a lifelong learning philosophy. Contrast him with a fifty-two year old executive […]
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June 1st, 2006
Entrepreneurship is an exciting and worthwhile endeavor. Profiting from your expertise (instead of allowing your employer to rake it in), setting your own schedule, and calling your own shots all make for a very pretty picture. It\’s no wonder then that starting one\’s own business has become a very popular endeavor in recent years. Before […]
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May 1st, 2006
Winning at Work
American Idol judge, Simon Cowell, periodically remarks about the “it” factor when assessing contestants. It seems to be one of those nebulous, undefined and subjective attributes one either has or doesn\’t have. And it falls into the category of you-know-it-when-you-see-it. He\’s right. You do know it when you see it and that\’s true in the […]
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April 1st, 2006
Winning at Work
Once there was a young woman who didn\’t like her job. Everyday when she came home from work, she told her husband how terrible her day had been, how tiring the work and how unreasonable her boss. “Leave that job,” her husband told her. “Oh I will” she said. “But not yet. I have too […]
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