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Transforming Retirement

Great News: It’s Possible to Successfully Downsize Your Life And Benefit Financially, While Simultaneously Launching a Great, New Lifestyle

By Anne L. Holmes, NABBW’s Boomer in Chief Periodically, as we Boomers age through the various stages of our lives, there come times when we face a major crossroad and we have to make huge, life-altering decisions. These days, instead of those decisions being related to school, work, marriage or the birth of our children or grandchildren, many […]

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“How to Retire On Your Own Terms: Tips Especially for Women” Is Our December 2021 NABBW Financial Planning Podcast, Featuring Pamela J. Sams, CRPC, BFA, MBA and Trusted Advisor to Professional Women

Here Are the Details for the Zoom Podcast: Topic: How to Retire On Your Own Terms: Tips for Women Time: Dec 23, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) It’s EASY To Join the Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6912275153?pwd=eHB2K1dNTFJLSUdieW9xdzFZWW5Ndz09 Meeting ID: 691 227 5153 Passcode: 470131

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How to Avoid Boredom in Retirement

By Marie Langworthy, NABBW’s Transforming Retirement Associate You have waited for and anticipated your retirement for most of your working life. Now you’ve arrived, with all the time in the world to do all those things you promised yourself you would accomplish during this newly found life of leisure. Fast forward six months… You’ve reorganized your […]

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Setting Life Goals for Retirement

By Marie Langworthy, NABBW’s Transforming Retirement Associate “What!?” you exclaim? Goals?  I’m through with goals.  During my entire work career, I needed to be focused on establishing goals – so much so that I determined that my only goal in retirement would be to not have any goals!  Perhaps you need to rethink your strategy. McLain & […]

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How to Have Fun in Retirement

By Marie Langworthy, NABBW’s Transforming Retirement Associate “Let’s have fun!” I’ve been told that this is the mission statement for Disneyworld. And having fun is one of the many fantasies and expectations we have about life after retirement. In my family, the embodiment of that “have fun” mandate was our retired Aunt Hannah. Whether playing bridge, […]

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.