  Saturday - September 7th, 2024

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Helping Your Parents Get Rid of “Stuff”

Because of a crisis, my sisters and I had to move our mother into an assisted living which also meant emptying out her home. Unfortunately, as almost always happens when there\’s a crisis, the timing couldn\’t have been worse and, because of our work schedules, we had 1 week in which to do it!! While […]

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Workplace Eldercare Programs – Getting the Support You Need

It is estimated that 65% of the workforce cares for chronically ill or aging loved ones – a responsibility that often conflicts with work. Unfortunately, most employees are reluctant to mention their eldercare problems at work so they don\’t know what eldercare programs are available. As a result, utilization of eldercare programs is often as […]

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Welcome to the Sandwich Generation

First we couldn\’t have any. Then we could have it all. Then we realized we didn\’t want it all. So how come we\’re still doing it all – and feeling guilty about it to boot!? Welcome to the “Sandwich Generation”! So much has been written lately about the “Sandwich Generation” – those caring for both […]

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Eldercare and the Home Office: Making it Work

Now, after “only” 35-40 years, due to the sheer quantity of working women; more men speaking out about and being involved in childcare responsibilities; more men in senior positions with families and working wives; and more women in senior positions, accommodating childcare is pretty much “socially acceptable”. TO MINIMIZE THE IMPACT OF ELDERCARE, more and […]

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How to Avoid the “Vicky-D Iceberg”

In “De-Mystifying Vicky-D\’s” in the October NABBW newsletter, you learned how the Vicky-D\’s\’ generational experiences, attitudes and values created their expectations today. However, generational values and attitudes are only part of the equation. As you might imagine, for Vicky-D\’s facing major life issues such as old age, declining health, death of a spouse and/or friends, […]

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Tips for Getting Eldercare – And Your Life – Under Control

Because eldercare is often unexpected, intermittent (at least initially), and always unpredictable, few of us realize the time and toll it\’s taking on us personally in terms of money, relationships, and peace of mind – to mention nothing of our sanity! It\’s also difficult to accurately predict the true length of our commitment. In fact, […]

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De-Mystifying “Vicky-D\’s”

“My mother expects me to take care of her, even though I have a husband, children, and a job. But she\’s SO grateful when my brother calls once a month!” “When I ask my parents about their health they freak out and shut down!” “All I did was mentioned to my father that I\’d like […]

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