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Articles by: Janet Horn, M.D.

The Heart of the Matter

I can hardly believe that this is the third February in a row that I\’m writing this column! If you\’ve been with us from the beginning, or if you\’ve read some of our past medical columns, then you\’ll know what\’s coming next. February is not only the month of Valentine\’s Day, but also American Heart […]

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October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This important initiative, and organization by the same name ( NBCAM), was started over two decades ago to raise awareness about breast cancer in all women and their families. Over the years, the organization has evolved and made all issues related to breast cancer of year-round importance. NBCAM […]

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The month of September, possibly more than any other month of the year, always elicits vivid memories. Back to school, new notebooks and pencils, new outfits that simply must be in the fashion-of-the-moment (remember Papagallo shoes?!), football season, marching band practice, and of course, a back-to-school checkup. And included in that checkup was always the […]

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We\’re going to talk about breast cancer this month. Given that in recent years, such a good job has been done in general to make all of us aware of this disease, you may be wondering what I can possibly say in this column that you haven\’t already heard. That\’s the point – we simply […]

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Heart of Glass

This could just be one of the worst months of the year, particularly if you don\’t like cold and snow, saved only by Valentine\’s Day – that sweet and corny holiday. I\’ve always loved it, mainly because it seems to bring out affection in even the most undemonstrative people. So, just like last year, I\’m […]

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The Danger Season

With all the good will and cheer of this season, how can it be a dangerous one? Because it is often the season of “too much.” We may party too much, spend too much, drink too much alcohol, smoke too many cigarettes, and of course, eat too much. But this isn\’t a lecture on moderating […]

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The After Effects of the ?Summer of Love?

All the talk about this past summer being the 40th anniversary of the famous “summer of love” got me thinking. Do you actually remember the “summer of love,” or at least the years surrounding it? The invention and availability of “The Pill,” and the then-new practice of “free love” (remember, “Make Love, Not War?”) led […]

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Losing It

No, this month\’s column is not about your memory. Nor is it about weight. Rather, it\’s about an all-too-common problem that many of us face at this age – urinary incontinence. And why discuss it now, during the last days of summer? Because of the unusually hot weather this summer, hopefully you\’ve been drinking lots […]

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It\’s officially summer, and with this season comes a more relaxing pace for you (hopefully), an increased variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, water sports, beach reading, and of course more exposure to the sun. Regardless of how much is out there about sun protection, I still find the topic, and the array of products, […]

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This Old Heart of Mine – Part II

Now that it\’s still early in the New Year, many of you (me too) are determined to change your current lifestyle to one that is healthier. And the first move you may make toward that goal is to get to the gym/personal trainer/dance class/yoga or Pilates instructor or to the exercise equipment store. But hold […]

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