  Sunday - February 16th, 2025

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NABBW Top Ten Most Valuable Life Lessons

Permission is granted to copy and use the following list as long as credit is given to the NABBW along with a link to www.nabbw.com.

The National Association of Baby Boomer Women and www.boomerwomenspeak.com are excited to give you the list of the Top Ten Most Valuable Life Lessons.
Jane Howard won the $100.00 cash for her #1 entry, LOVE YOURSELF. Congratulations Jane! Here is our list of the Top Ten Most Valuable Life Lessons

  1. Love yourself
  2. Forgive
  3. Lean on God
  4. Work at what you love
  5. Give of self
  6. Let your children be who they are
  7. Listen more, talk less
  8. Know you can\’t change others
  9. Set boundaries for relationships, work and self
  10. Believe in yourself

Thanks so much for entering our contest at the National Association of Baby Boomer Women, NABBW and www.boomerwomenspeak.com.

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.