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Robin Miller, M.D., M.H.S. Physician

Dr. Robin Miller's career as a physician has been quite varied. She currently serves as the medical director of Triune Integrative Medicine, a highly innovative Integrative Medicine clinic in Medford, Oregon. She is also a medical reporter for KOBI Channel 5, the NBC affiliate in Medford. She has produced the award-winning health series, “Is there a Doctor in the House,” which is shown on the GE-sponsored Patient Channel nationwide. She is a medical columnist for The Daily Courier in Grant's Pass, Oregon, and the host of a teen health podcast. Robin has written the book Kids Ask the Doctor and the book Confessions of the Soul Straight from the Heart.

Robin completed her undergraduate work at the University of Michigan, where she became a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She received her M.D. from the University of Illinois, and she also holds the degree of Master of Health Sciences from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Her postgraduate training includes an Internal Medicine Fellowship at Johns Hopkins and an Integrative Medicine fellowship at the University of Arizona. She is board certified in Internal Medicine. She has been on the faculty of both the State University of New York at Stony Brook and the University of Oregon. She has published a number of articles in medical journals, many focused on her research about heart disease in women.

Robin has been particularly active in the field of domestic violence. She has served on task forces on domestic violence sponsored by the Oregon Medical Association and Jackson County, Oregon. Robin's interest in fitness is reflected in her long-term personal exercise regimen. She lives in the Rogue River Valley of Oregon with her husband, a gastroenterology physician, and two teen-age sons who keep her on her toes.

Robin will share her column with her co-author and friend of 20 years, Dr. Janet Horn. (This is one of those special friendships; Janet was a bridesmaid at Robin's wedding!) In addition to being close friends, they have a shared philosophy about a woman's well-being based on empowerment through a knowledge and understanding of her health.

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January 2010 E-Course for NABBW Members – “30 Days to a New You”

NABBW January E-Course 30 Days to a New Your! with Monica Magnetti www.lunacoaching.com Author of 30 Days to a New You Beginning Monday, January 11, 2010 REGISTER FOR THE E-COURSE Monica M…NABBW January E-Cour…NABBW January E-Course 30 Days to a New Your! with Monica Magnetti www.lunacoaching.com Author of 30 Days to a New You Beginning Monday, January 11, 2010 REGISTER FOR THE E-COURSE Monica Magnetti has created a method for people like you who want to lead an intentional life and be awake every moment of it. Her book 30 DAYS TO A NEW YOU: Get What You Want Through Authentic Change walks you through an illuminating yet practical process to determine who you really are, define your heart\'s desire, and how to reach it. The book is a manual and a workbook. This Get What You Want E-Course…

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Acupuncture: What is it? What is it used for? Does it really work?

Acupuncture is a practice that is over 2500 years old and promotes the natural healing of the body. Those who practice acupuncture explain that there are energy channels called meridians that run thro…Acupuncture is a pra…Acupuncture is a practice that is over 2500 years old and promotes the natural healing of the body. Those who practice acupuncture explain that there are energy channels called meridians that run through the body. The energy that flows through the meridians is called Qi (chi). If Qi is blocked our energy becomes unbalanced and we can become sick. Using needles at specific acupuncture points (depending on the problem) can unblock the energy and allow the Qi to flow normally. Recent studies using functional MRI brain scans have found that when specific acupuncture points are stimulated on th…

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The Problem of New Year\’s Resolutions/Reminder about Cervical Health

New Years Resolutions are a set up. We all tend to set lofty goals for ourselves, and eventually we break them (usually within the first month). Keeping that in mind, I have decided to take a new dir…New Years Resolution…New Years Resolutions are a set up. We all tend to set lofty goals for ourselves, and eventually we break them (usually within the first month). Keeping that in mind, I have decided to take a new direction. I suggest you do the same. How about making resolutions that you can keep? These are the ones I propose: I will: Take at least one spontaneous trip this year Eat one hot fudge sundae and not feel guilty (this is a good one!) Make a new friend Try to learn to speak a new language Go to the movies once a month Laugh at least 10 times a day. Try and find things that are …

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Natural Travel Trip-Bits

August is a month reserved for traveling by many people. With the price of gas as high as it is, some may be doing away with road trips, and opting to travel to faraway places by boat, train, or airpl…August is a month re…August is a month reserved for traveling by many people. With the price of gas as high as it is, some may be doing away with road trips, and opting to travel to faraway places by boat, train, or airplane. I want to give you some tips for a few pesky symptoms that may arise from such travel, and that do not necessarily require a prescription. But first, a few general “musts” you should know before going anywhere. General Travel “Musts” • If you are traveling out of the United States, find out about any immunizations, or treatment, you may need before you go. Some countries requ…

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No more excuses, it is time to get out there and walk
and eat a healthy diet

Warm weather has finally arrived, and so it is time to get walking and watch your intake of calories. Take advantage of locally grown fruits and veggies and eat lean protein such as fish and organic c…Warm weather has fin…Warm weather has finally arrived, and so it is time to get walking and watch your intake of calories. Take advantage of locally grown fruits and veggies and eat lean protein such as fish and organic chicken. Getting to a body mass index in the normal range is important. Body mass index is a number that is derived using an equation that takes into account your height and weight. The body mass index (BMI) is also tied to risk for disease. A body mass index between 25 and 30 is considered overweight. Thirty and over is considered to be obese. A woman who is 5\'2” and weighs 140 pounds has a…

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Are you sneezing and wheezing?

Spring is filled with flowers, green grass, and for some...sneezing, wheezing and runny eyes and noses! The most likely cause of spring allergies is tree pollen. However, mold and animal dander can al…Spring is filled wit…Spring is filled with flowers, green grass, and for some...sneezing, wheezing and runny eyes and noses! The most likely cause of spring allergies is tree pollen. However, mold and animal dander can also be contributing. How can you know for sure? Get allergy tested. If your doctor can pinpoint the cause of your symptoms, the therapy can be tailored to what you need. Treatment could involve allergy shots or medications that can help you to avoid a lot of grief. How can you tell the difference between allergies and a cold? Both can cause a runny nose and eyes, but a cold usually has fever,…

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Health for the New Year

We are starting another new year and that tends to be accompanied by those resolutions that all of us make and most of us break! I would like to propose a little different approach this year. It invol…We are starting anot…We are starting another new year and that tends to be accompanied by those resolutions that all of us make and most of us break! I would like to propose a little different approach this year. It involves finding small ways to make a big difference. Most people break their resolutions because they are too hard to fulfill. Here are five suggestions: Eat healthy Rather than focusing on weight loss, why not focus on just eating healthy and cutting out the junk. Pick one food that you tend to splurge on. For me it is French fries! Decide not to eat that food unless you are going to have a tim…

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Do you ever wonder?

Do you have a daughter; granddaughter or a friend who you think might be involved in an abusive relationship with an intimate partner? There may be real cause to worry. According to a national sur…Do you have a daught…Do you have a daughter; granddaughter or a friend who you think might be involved in an abusive relationship with an intimate partner? There may be real cause to worry. According to a national survey, twenty-two percent of women 18 and over will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. One of the red flags is a partner who is possessive. Young girls are particularly vulnerable. In the beginning of a relationship, they may mistake possessiveness for caring. Initially it may make them feel loved and special. What you need to watch for if you are worried about your friend or loved one …

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STOP!!!! Smoking, that is

For the past couple of months, we\'ve been talking about the risk factors for heart disease. This month we\'ll discuss cigarette smoking. We all know the dangers of smoking, but for some, it is really…For the past couple …For the past couple of months, we\'ve been talking about the risk factors for heart disease. This month we\'ll discuss cigarette smoking. We all know the dangers of smoking, but for some, it is really hard to quit. That is especially true for women. Women have a harder time quitting than men. No one is quite sure why this happens, but it is something that psychologists are studying. The Evils of Smoking Smoking is the number one preventable cause of premature death in our country. It accounts for over 400,000 deaths a year. It increases the risk of heart attack and stroke by causing p…

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The Scoop on High Cholesterol and What You Should Know

Many women have high cholesterol and are totally unaware of it. Nearly two thirds of women at highest risk of heart attack, and death from heart disease, are not being treated appropriately to lower t…Many women have high…Many women have high cholesterol and are totally unaware of it. Nearly two thirds of women at highest risk of heart attack, and death from heart disease, are not being treated appropriately to lower their cholesterol. That is why it is so important that you know what your levels are and what they mean! What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is found in every cell of the body. It is important for building hormones. When there is too much cholesterol in the body it can deposit in blood vessels and cause inflammation. Eventually it can cause a build up of plaque with narrowing and event…

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Since the last two medical columns were about heart disease and the risk factors for it, Janet and I decided that it made sense to talk about those individual risk factors in detail. I\'ll begin with …Since the last two m…Since the last two medical columns were about heart disease and the risk factors for it, Janet and I decided that it made sense to talk about those individual risk factors in detail. I\'ll begin with high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. This is another of those health problems which most often has no symptoms. But don\'t let that fool you. Though silent, high blood pressure can be deadly. According to recent research 40% of postmenopausal women have "prehypertension". This is a condition where the blood pressure is not normal but is not quite at the hypertension level yet. This in…

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Since the last two medical columns were about heart disease and the risk factors for it, Janet and I decided that it made sense to talk about those individual risk factors in detail. I\'ll begin with …Since the last two m…Since the last two medical columns were about heart disease and the risk factors for it, Janet and I decided that it made sense to talk about those individual risk factors in detail. I\'ll begin with high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. This is another of those health problems which most often has no symptoms. But don\'t let that fool you. Though silent, high blood pressure can be deadly. According to recent research 40% of postmenopausal women have "prehypertension". This is a condition where the blood pressure is not normal but is not quite at the hypertension level yet. This in…

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Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine is becoming something of great interest to baby boomers. It offers a wide variety of treatments and options that are based on health, healing and prevention. What exactly is Integ…Integrative Medicine…Integrative Medicine is becoming something of great interest to baby boomers. It offers a wide variety of treatments and options that are based on health, healing and prevention. What exactly is Integrative Medicine? Most people think that Integrative Medicine is simply the combination of complementary and traditional medical therapies. However, it is much more than that. Integrative medicine focuses on healing and wellness with the knowledge that the body has an innate ability to heal itself. The patient-provider relationship is extremely important in the integrative model, and it is …

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Preventing “Brain Drain”

Now that the(supposedly) relaxed pace of summer has come to a close, and everyone is getting geared up for returning to classes, work, and volunteer activities, we\'ve reached the time of year when ou…Now that the(suppose…Now that the(supposedly) relaxed pace of summer has come to a close, and everyone is getting geared up for returning to classes, work, and volunteer activities, we\'ve reached the time of year when our brains are at risk for system overload. You know what this means – more stress on our already fragile memories. And since memory of recent events is affected before memory of long past events, our daily activities can be immediately impacted by this forgetfulness. Every time I forget a name or a password, I worry that I could be literally losing my mind. The fear of dementia is never too fa…

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Warmest greetings to our fellow Baby Boomer Women! Or should we say, our HOTTEST greetings, given the temperatures this summer?! (Our very first piece of advice: do not go anywhere this summer witho…Warmest greetings to…Warmest greetings to our fellow Baby Boomer Women! Or should we say, our HOTTEST greetings, given the temperatures this summer?! (Our very first piece of advice: do not go anywhere this summer without a bottle of water. Dehydration can sneak up on you very quickly) We wanted to take the opportunity in our first column for this newsletter to introduce ourselves, tell you how excited we are to be here, and let you in on our philosophies for maintaining good health and achieving longevity in this wonderful, though challenging, time of our lives. First, some housekeeping (probably the…

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.