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Jan Cullinane Author, Entreprenuer, Retirement Expert

Jan Cullinane and Cathy Fitzgerald are the authors of The New Retirement: The Ultimate Guide to the Rest of Your Life (Rodale). Their book has been widely acclaimed and reached the number two ranking on both Barnes&Noble.com and Amazon.com. The Chicago Tribune, Publishers Weekly, and Library Journal have given the book outstanding reviews. Michelle Singletary, personal finance columnist (“Color of Money”) for The Washington Post, chose The New Retirement for her March 2005 book club selection.

Jan has appeared on TV both nationally and locally, has conducted more than 40 radio, Internet, and television interviews, and has published articles for newspapers and magazines including The Suburban Press, Indianapolis Prime Times, and Living Southern Style magazine. Jan has been consulted by a number of free-lancers writing articles about retirement for newspapers and magazines as well.

Through the company they formed, Retirement Living from A to Z, Jan and Cathy conduct retirement seminars and have traveled extensively investigating places to retire and talking to prospective retirees and those who have taken the plunge. Their six years of research and travel culminated in the only guide you'll need for a successful, happy retirement.

Jan has a B.S. and M.Ed. in Science Education from the University of Maryland, and has taught extensively at the high school and college level. She presently lives in Cincinnati with her husband, has three children, and thinks the word "retirement" itself should be retired. She can also speak backwards fluently!

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Where Do the Retirement Gurus “Retire?”

By Jan Cullinane and John Brady for the NABBW Most of us know that one size cannot fit all when it comes to choosing our best place to retire. Just look at the tons of books, magazine articles and …By Jan Cullinane and…By Jan Cullinane and John Brady for the NABBW Most of us know that one size cannot fit all when it comes to choosing our best place to retire. Just look at the tons of books, magazine articles and websites that try to answer that very question. Your authors, Jan Cullinane, and John Brady decided to take a different approach, and go right to the source by asking a half dozen retirement gurus, including the authors of this piece, where they chose to “retire.” The word “retire” is in quotes since most of the experts are still working (some more than others), although their work …

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Why I See Tennis as a Metaphor for Life

Why I See Tennis as a Metaphor for Life  By Jan CullinaneNABBW's Associate for The New Retirement This column is timely, as the world has been watching a bit of tennis recently (Wimbledon\'s All Eng…Why I See Tennis as …Why I See Tennis as a Metaphor for Life  By Jan CullinaneNABBW's Associate for The New Retirement This column is timely, as the world has been watching a bit of tennis recently (Wimbledon\'s All England Lawn Tennis championship just ended as I write this), when they haven\'t been debating World Cup soccer. But more than that, it\'s short and sweet.  The fact is, I love tennis and play several times a week when I’m home. There is a friendly group of men and women tennis players where I live, along with great pros and beautiful courts, which makes playing enjoyable. Over the …

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Single Women Don\’t Find All Homes Equally Desirable: To Attract Them, New Home Builders Need to Learn the Importance of Two Things: 3 BR & Women-Centered Design

Single Women Don\'t Find All Homes Equally Desirable: To Attract Them, New Home Builders Need to Learn the Importance of Two Things: 3 BR & Women-Centered Design By Jan CullinaneNABBW's Associate…Single Women Don\'t …Single Women Don\'t Find All Homes Equally Desirable: To Attract Them, New Home Builders Need to Learn the Importance of Two Things: 3 BR & Women-Centered Design By Jan CullinaneNABBW's Associate for The New RetirementSingle women are the second-largest group of homeowners after couples, and they purchase almost twice as many homes on a first-time and repeat basis than single men do, reports the National Association of Home Builders. More women than men live alone, and single women are more likely to own their homes than single men (56 percent compared to 47 percent). Recognizing that …

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Wacky Retirement Words you Won’t Find in Webster’s

Wacky Retirement Words you Won’t Find in Webster’s By Jan CullinaneNABBW's Associate for The New RetirementRetirement is changing, and choice is the new normal. Continue to work? Start a new care…Wacky Retirement Wor…Wacky Retirement Words you Won’t Find in Webster’s By Jan CullinaneNABBW's Associate for The New RetirementRetirement is changing, and choice is the new normal. Continue to work? Start a new career? Relocate? Stay? Have adult kids live with you? Women and men approach this transition in different ways, so it’s not surprising that new retirement lingo has blossomed. Here is a baker’s dozen of words/acronyms you won’t find in an ordinary dictionary. Related to Relocation: Fanby (find a new backyard) - People looking to relocate. Some are “serial relocators,” perhaps moving ou…

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Take a Hike!

Take A Hike! By Jan CullinaneNABBW’s Expert on The New Retirement I live in a state with swaying palm trees, the second longest coastline (after Alaska), no state income tax, and a place that ma…Take A Hike! By Jan…Take A Hike! By Jan CullinaneNABBW’s Expert on The New Retirement I live in a state with swaying palm trees, the second longest coastline (after Alaska), no state income tax, and a place that made the expression “hanging chads” popular.  Yup, you guessed it - Florida.  My husband and I love the warmth, glittering sea, and verdant greenery of the Sunshine State, but the mighty West, with its desert beauty and incredible rock formations beckoned.  So, off we went in late June/early July on a ten-day trip to tour the “Big 5” national parks of Utah: 1.       Capitol Ree…

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New Study: What Do People Want in Retirement?

New Study: What Do People Want in Retirement? By Jan Cullinane NABBW’s Expert on The New Retirement A new study by Merrill Lynch in partnership with Age Wave, which  involved 6,300 people ag…New Study: What Do P…New Study: What Do People Want in Retirement? By Jan Cullinane NABBW’s Expert on The New Retirement A new study by Merrill Lynch in partnership with Age Wave, which  involved 6,300 people age 45 and over was recently released, providing interesting insights into what pre-retirees and retirees think about retirement.  Ten of the major findings:  What’s the most important thing to pass on to future generations?  Answer: 74% said values and life lessons; 32% said money and real estate.  Are you worried about outliving your assets?  47% said yes.  What do pre-retirees t…

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Change How You Think About Exercise: Change Your Life

By Jan Cullinane NABBW’s Expert on The New Retirement I confess: In the secret recesses of my mind, I believe I’m immortal.  I don’t think I’ll ever succumb to heart disease, diabetes, at…By Jan Cullinane NA…By Jan Cullinane NABBW’s Expert on The New Retirement I confess: In the secret recesses of my mind, I believe I’m immortal.  I don’t think I’ll ever succumb to heart disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis, or any of the lifestyle-related diseases that bedevil so many of us.  And, I like to eat junk food.  Not all the time, but much more than I should (I just devoured two large chocolate covered marshmallow cookies as I sat down to write this). Yet, as a mature woman, my “numbers” --  blood pressure, glucose, “bad” LDL, triglycerides, creatinine levels, and the other resu…

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All the Single Ladies

All the Single Ladies By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement Did you know that there are more than 25 million single women over the age of 45 in the United States, and that this d…All the Single Ladie…All the Single Ladies By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement Did you know that there are more than 25 million single women over the age of 45 in the United States, and that this demographic is growing? And, even if you\'re a happily married woman now, there\'s an 80-90% chance you\'ll be single at some point, and be responsible for all decisions, including where you\'ll live? I attribute the growth of this powerful group to what I call the "5Ds": Divorce, Death of a spouse, Delayed marriage, Dumped (or did the dumping), and just Don\'t want to be married. The image of …

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Katie Holmes and her “First Love”: No Big Surprise

Katie Holmes and her "First Love": No Big Surprise By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement It\'s been hard to avoid the recent frenzy over the news that Katie Holmes has reunited w…Katie Holmes and her…Katie Holmes and her "First Love": No Big Surprise By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement It\'s been hard to avoid the recent frenzy over the news that Katie Holmes has reunited with her self-proclaimed "first love" Joshua Jackson, her Dawson\'s Creek co-star. Guess what? When you look at the research of Dr. Nancy Kalish, an expert in this field and professor of psychology at California State University, it\'s almost a no-brainer. As I discuss in my new book, The Single Woman\'s Guide to Retirement, Kalish found that those who reconnected with past flames (and it didn…

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Three Sites that are Fun, Free, and Do Good for Others!

Three Sites that are Fun, Free, and Do Good for Others! By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement "You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never re…Three Sites that are…Three Sites that are Fun, Free, and Do Good for Others! By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement "You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you." John Bunyon "Giving back" is a worthy and laudable goal for many women. During these challenging economic times, wouldn\'t it be nice to be able to help others by doing something that is free, enjoyable, good for your brain, and can be done on your own terms and schedule? Here are three online games that accomplish that goal: Free Rice For each correct multiple choice answer, they…

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Finding More Time and Saving More Money with PERK

Finding More Time and Saving More Money with PERK By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement We can all use more time and more money, right? Well, I stumbled across an acronym that c…Finding More Time an…Finding More Time and Saving More Money with PERK By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement We can all use more time and more money, right? Well, I stumbled across an acronym that can help us do both. The acronym is PERK, and credit goes to Robert Pagliarini, an author, a certified financial planner, a columnist, and the President of Pacifica Wealth Advisors. Here\'s how it works: Think about all your activities and all your expenses (current and upcoming). Write them down. For each activity and expense, apply "PERK": Postpone: Want a new car, but still have one that\…

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“The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel”

"The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement If you haven\'t seen "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel," I\'d recommend you get yourself to a theater and …"The Best Exotic Mar…"The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement If you haven\'t seen "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel," I\'d recommend you get yourself to a theater and luxuriate in this gem of a film. It\'s the perfect movie for Boomer women (men, too - my husband really liked it). In addition to impressive acting by such notables as Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson, and Judi Dench, it explores the concepts of challenge, transformation, hope, and resilience through humor and drama. I visited exotic and memorable India a few years ago, including Jaipur, the sett…

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Drinking Wine – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Drinking Wine - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement Friend or foe? Pleasure or poison? There has been a lot of discussion about wine over the pa…Drinking Wine - The …Drinking Wine - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement Friend or foe? Pleasure or poison? There has been a lot of discussion about wine over the past decade. Let\'s take a look at how this "nectar of the gods" affects adults over 50. Studies are based upon "moderate" consumption of wine, defined as no more than one drink per day for women, and two drinks per day for men. A drink is defined as five ounces of wine. The Good (assuming wine isn\'t contraindicated because of medications, disease - including alcoholism - or for other reasons): …

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Can Money buy Happiness?

Can Money buy Happiness? By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement We\'ve heard the expression "Money can\'t buy you love," but what about happiness? The answer may be yes. An Apri…Can Money buy Happin…Can Money buy Happiness? By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement We\'ve heard the expression "Money can\'t buy you love," but what about happiness? The answer may be yes. An April 2012 Marist Institute for Public Opinion poll found that people who made $50,000 or more felt younger than their actual years, felt less likely they will be burden to others, thought they wouldn\'t feel as lonely as they age, thought they would be more likely to travel and volunteer, and even thought they\'d have a better sex life than those making under $50,000. The only virtually identical …

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How I Lost Six Pounds on a Two Week Asian Vacation – Eat Like the Chinese

How I Lost Six Pounds on a Two Week Asian Vacation - Eat Like the Chinese By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement I recently returned from a two-week tour of China. What a fascinat…How I Lost Six Pound…How I Lost Six Pounds on a Two Week Asian Vacation - Eat Like the Chinese By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement I recently returned from a two-week tour of China. What a fascinating place! Hiking on the Great Wall, viewing the Terracotta Warriors, cruising the Yangtze, touring fabulous Shanghai - these are just a few highlights of the trip. And the people - it was hard not to notice how slender the Chinese were. After eating for two weeks as the Chinese do (we were on a tour that ate at local restaurants with authentic Chinese food), I can see why they are so slim. The …

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Surprising New Retirement Statistics

Surprising New Retirement Statistics By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement Here are several fascinating findings from the 2012 EBRI (Employee Benefit Research Institute) survey. …Surprising New Retir…Surprising New Retirement Statistics By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement Here are several fascinating findings from the 2012 EBRI (Employee Benefit Research Institute) survey. This is the 22nd year that the EBRI has published its "Retirement Confidence Survey." The results demonstrate that what we THINK will happen in retirement and what WILL happen are not always the same. I call this "Expectation vs. Reality." For example: 70% of respondents planned to work in retirement, but only 27% are actually working in retirement. 8% of respondents planned to retire before …

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When It Comes to Retirement Planning, Gender Makes a Difference

Do men and women think alike? Most of us agree with the title of John Gray\'s book, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Ameriprise Financial\'s The New Retirement Mindscape City Pulse Index (201…Do men and women thi…Do men and women think alike? Most of us agree with the title of John Gray\'s book, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Ameriprise Financial\'s The New Retirement Mindscape City Pulse Index (2011) gives some insight into how the sexes think about various aspects of retirement: Are planning financially for retirement: Women 72%; Men 77% Are confident they will reach their financial retirement goals: Women 19%; Men 25% Have determined how much $$ they\'ll need in retirement:Women 20%; Men 31% Have invested in stocks and IRAs: Women 46%; Men 54% Are making plans to ensure a healt…

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Walk this Way

Walk this Way By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement We\'re not talking about the Aerosmith song, we\'re talking about pole walking. Walking is the most popular exercise, and for…Walk this Way By Ja…Walk this Way By Jan Cullinane NABBW's Expert on The New Retirement We\'re not talking about the Aerosmith song, we\'re talking about pole walking. Walking is the most popular exercise, and for people who can\'t or don\'t want to play tennis, jog, or exercise in more strenuous ways, or those with knee, back, or other aching or injured joints, pole walking might be the perfect choice for those looking for a low impact, more aerobic, more effective workout. Pole walking (also known as Nordic walking) has been around for 80 years or more, and is believed to have developed in Finland in a…

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.