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Deanna Brann, Ph.D In-Law Survival Associate

Dr. Deanna Brann is a leading expert on mother-in-law/daughter-in-law relationships who helps women get unstuck in their relationships so they can peacefully coexist. As a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law herself she knows this relationship inside and out. She combines her personal experience with her clinical skills and expertise to take you from feeling hopeless to feeling hopeful with easy to follow insights, tools and strategies.

Dr. Brann is a media expert, a national speaker on women and relationships, and a consultant for women struggling with relationships – personally or professionally – who want to make things better. She is also the author of the award-winning book, Reluctantly Related: Secrets to Getting Along With Your Mother-in-Law or Daughter-in-Law and a second book, Mothers-in-Law & Daughters-in-Law Say the Darndest Things!

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Is Your Son Pulling Away From You? Here Are The Real Reasons He May Be Doing So – Part 2

Is Your Son Pulling Away From You? Here Are The Real Reasons He May Be Doing So – Part 2  By Deanna Brann, Ph.D. NABBW's In-law Survival Associate In the article I wrote last week, I shared the…Is Your Son Pulling …Is Your Son Pulling Away From You? Here Are The Real Reasons He May Be Doing So – Part 2  By Deanna Brann, Ph.D. NABBW's In-law Survival Associate In the article I wrote last week, I shared the story of Janice and her son Peter. Janice was struggling with the changes in Peter’s behavior toward her: She was convinced that these changes were the result of Peter’s wife. She was sure her daughter-in-law set these changes in motion because she didn’t want him talking to her. Is this really what is going on? It could be. This does happen. A daughter-in-law can set into…

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Is Your Son Pulling Away? Get the Real Reasons He May Be Doing So – Part 1

Is Your Son Pulling Away? Get the Real Reasons He May Be Doing So – Part 1 By Deanna Brann, Ph.D. NABBW's In-law Survival Associate With all the strife occurring with the mother-in-law and…Is Your Son Pulling …Is Your Son Pulling Away? Get the Real Reasons He May Be Doing So – Part 1 By Deanna Brann, Ph.D. NABBW's In-law Survival Associate With all the strife occurring with the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, where does your son fit into the equation? Does he play a role or is he a victim of circumstance? The next few articles are going to address these specific questions and help shed some light on who he is and the role he plays. As I write in my book, Reluctantly Related: Secrets to Getting Along with Your Mother-in-Law or Daughter-in-Law, a son needs to emotionally separate…

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Daughter-in-Law Alert: Is Your Maternal Relationship Actually Hurting Your Marriage?

Daughter-in-Law Alert: Is Your Maternal Relationship Actually Hurting Your Marriage? By Deanna Brann, Ph.D. NABBW's In-law Survival Associate Mothers and daughters have a rather unique relationshi…Daughter-in-Law Aler…Daughter-in-Law Alert: Is Your Maternal Relationship Actually Hurting Your Marriage? By Deanna Brann, Ph.D. NABBW's In-law Survival Associate Mothers and daughters have a rather unique relationship. Whether they are close or distant this relationship affects many of the other close relationships a young woman has in her life. As I explain to young women I counsel, "This relationship affects your relationship with your spouse, mother-in-law, sisters-in-law, and can even affect your relationships with your friends." Having a distant or struggling maternal relationship is the most unders…

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Are You Dealing With a Passive-Aggressive Daughter-In-Law? With a Bit of Understanding, You\’ll Soon Discover How to Beat Her at Her Own Game

Are You Dealing with a Passive-Aggressive Daughter-In-Law? With a Bit of Understanding, You\'ll Soon Discover How to Beat Her at Her Own Game By Deanna Brann, Ph.D.NABBW's In-Law Survival AssociateA…Are You Dealing with…Are You Dealing with a Passive-Aggressive Daughter-In-Law? With a Bit of Understanding, You\'ll Soon Discover How to Beat Her at Her Own Game By Deanna Brann, Ph.D.NABBW's In-Law Survival AssociateA person who is passive aggressive in his or her behavior is difficult enough to deal with; when that person is a family member it is even worse. Dealing with this behavior (passive and unassuming on the surface, but nastily aggressive toward you underneath) can be incredibly difficult, draining, and frustrating. For mothers-in-law, dealing with a passive aggressive daughter-in-law can be tricky…

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Traveling With Family? Make It Memorable, Not Miserable!

Traveling With Family? Make It Memorable, Not Miserable! By Deanna Brann, Ph.D.NABBW's In-Law Survival AssociateSummer’s here and it’s time for vacation! Most of us look forward to getting away a…Traveling With Famil…Traveling With Family? Make It Memorable, Not Miserable! By Deanna Brann, Ph.D.NABBW's In-Law Survival AssociateSummer’s here and it’s time for vacation! Most of us look forward to getting away all year long, anticipating a break from work, worries, and everyday life. But things can get tricky when we include more than just our immediate family. Whether you’re traveling with in-laws, siblings and their families, or even friends, you want the trip to be one that everyone enjoys. Just because you all know each other well doesn’t mean there won’t be any friction. Visiting with people i…

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Making Your Grandchildren’s Memories “Grand” – Tips to Remember

Making Your Grandchildren’s Memories “Grand” – Tips to Remember By Deanna Brann, Ph.D.NABBW's In-Law Survival AssociateBeing a grandparent – what a balancing act! How do you find ti…Making Your Grandchi…Making Your Grandchildren’s Memories “Grand” – Tips to Remember By Deanna Brann, Ph.D.NABBW's In-Law Survival AssociateBeing a grandparent – what a balancing act! How do you find time to carve out a niche that’s all your own at this particular juncture in your life, as well as spend time with your adult children and their spouses, and then, forge your own unique relationship with each of your grandchildren? This is a tricky feat. We want it all, right? And, why not? Our lives have been building to this rewarding point where we have “our” time, family time, and “grand…

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Four Tips for How Not to Sweat the Small Stuff

Four Tips for How Not to Sweat the Small Stuff By Deanna Brann, Ph.D.NABBW's In-Law Survival Associate How many times has someone in your life—an in-law, spouse, co-worker, friend, or whoever…Four Tips for How No…Four Tips for How Not to Sweat the Small Stuff By Deanna Brann, Ph.D.NABBW's In-Law Survival Associate How many times has someone in your life—an in-law, spouse, co-worker, friend, or whoever—done something or said something that just makes your blood boil and you can’t seem to let it go? You keep replaying it over and over in your head, and the more you think about it the angrier or more hurt you feel. In fact, you find you can’t stop thinking about it. We all have experienced this at one time or another. Even if you don’t say anything to the other person at the time, his o…

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.