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Becky Feola Caregiving Expert

Becky’s passion for assisting others in locating care facilities for their loved ones comes after eleven years of providing care for her ailing husband and then realizing it was time for assisted living. After her husband was diagnosed with Huntington’s disease, she became his primary caregiver. She immersed herself in research, learning all that she could concerning the disease, the legalities of being an informal caregiver and guardian, the insurance companies, social services, and the legal system.

After her husband passed away, Becky founded the NJF Center for Caregivers, Inc. The mission of the NJF Center was to support informal caregivers, their families, and the elderly population seeking supportive, accessible, and ethical solutions and resources in care giving. In 2009, she decided to start Assisted Living Advantage to serve families/individuals seeking assisted living. She puts her understanding, vast knowledge and her exacting standards to work for her families, with excellent results.

Becky has been featured on television and radio programming we well as published in newspapers, magazines and on-line resources. She is currently writing a book on the subject of assisted living.

Becky is also an active member in a number of community organizations including The Human Services Professionals, Senior Healthcare Professionals, The Phoenix Business Experts, Women of Scottsdale and The National Association of Baby Boomer Women.

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Medicare: Even Rocket Scientists Can Find Understanding It Convoluted and Confusing. To the Rescue: “Medicare 101”

By Becky Feola NABBW’s Associate for Assisted Living and Caregiving The program Medicare is easily one of the most recognized senior benefits in our nation. However, it can be confusing and many …By Becky Feola NABB…By Becky Feola NABBW’s Associate for Assisted Living and Caregiving The program Medicare is easily one of the most recognized senior benefits in our nation. However, it can be confusing and many people don’t understand the basics of how the program works. Below is an overview that should give some clarity and guidance if your loved one ever needs care. Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older or those who may be younger but have certain disabilities, and people suffering from End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure that requires dialysi…

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Caregiving Begins With Self Care

Caregiving Begins With Self Care  By Becky Feola NABBW's Associate for Assisted Living and CaregivingAbout 10 million seniors currently rely on others for daily care, such as help getting dressed, p…Caregiving Begins Wi…Caregiving Begins With Self Care  By Becky Feola NABBW's Associate for Assisted Living and CaregivingAbout 10 million seniors currently rely on others for daily care, such as help getting dressed, preparing meals or taking medication.  That number will only increase as more of the nation’s 78 million baby boomers enter old age themselves over the next 15 years. According to a 2008 USA Today Gallup poll, 41% of all baby boomers are providing care for a living parent and 37% expect to do so in the future. Taking on the role of caregiver can be demanding; especially when you are ju…

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The Need For Control and Letting Go

The Need For Control and Letting Go By Becky Feola NABBW's Associate for Assisted Living and Caregiving  You know those tests they give to college students or potential employees that help identif…The Need For Control…The Need For Control and Letting Go By Becky Feola NABBW's Associate for Assisted Living and Caregiving  You know those tests they give to college students or potential employees that help identify their skills and the careers/positions they would be best suited for?  Over the years, I have taken four or five of them and every time the answer was the same. The number one career choice for me was the military or more specifically, a drill sergeant.  Although I never entered the military, these skills would come in handy for a large part of my life.  You see, I was my husband’s caregiv…

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Caregiver Forgetfulness or Something To Worry About

Caregiver Forgetfulness or Something To Worry About By Becky Feola NABBW's Associate for Assisted Living and Caregiving  For many people, simply reaching that 50th birthday milestone brings a whole …Caregiver Forgetfuln…Caregiver Forgetfulness or Something To Worry About By Becky Feola NABBW's Associate for Assisted Living and Caregiving  For many people, simply reaching that 50th birthday milestone brings a whole new range of challenges such as unexplainable aches and pains, weight gain, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.  However, one of the most disturbing is the forgetfulness that increases with age and demands.  And then, if you add the role of caregiver to your resume, chances are it’s happening with more and more frequency.  Trying to juggle and balance caring for your spouse, children, w…

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.