  Friday - September 20th, 2024

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Ann Leach Loss & Change Associate

The owner of the Creative Cottage in Joplin, Missouri, Ann Leach is a highly experienced coach, speaker and writer focused on building a global grief community designed to assist people in moving through loss and change after a life-altering event.

She also owns and operates Life Preservers Grief Support, a global grief support community, as well as Your Grief Relief Solution. Her goal: To help people make peace with grief. The Life Preservers site offers a signup link her free ezine, “In the Flow.”

Ann’s preferred training tools include teleseminars, publications and products, retreats, conference break-out sessions and special events. She serves individuals and professionals at work and at home.

Her strengths are group facilitation, strong interviewing skills, low cost/no cost ideas for marketing support, developing your writing and presenting skills, creating joint ventures.

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Holiday Grief: Why I Give You Permission to Do It Mindfully

By Ann Leach, NABBW's Associate for Loss and Change It’s probably already happened: you’re flipping through a magazine or finally sitting down with the Sunday paper and there’s the article ab…By Ann Leach, NABBW'…By Ann Leach, NABBW's Associate for Loss and Change It’s probably already happened: you’re flipping through a magazine or finally sitting down with the Sunday paper and there’s the article about getting through the holidays after a big life loss. All the articles will tell you basically the same thing like “practice good self-care” or “don’t feel obligated to attend every party if you’re not up to it.” Good advice, but lets be honest: we women are not that great at following those directions. We feel we ‘should’ go and that it might just help us feel better. …

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Seasons Change and So Do You

By Ann Leach, NABBW's Associate for Loss and Change I saw this meme on Facebook the other day: I got the point and immediately began to do a life scan of what in me and around me needs to die. Th…By Ann Leach, NABBW'…By Ann Leach, NABBW's Associate for Loss and Change I saw this meme on Facebook the other day: I got the point and immediately began to do a life scan of what in me and around me needs to die. That sounds dramatic, doesn't it? I don't believe it has to be. I think it simply comes down to a decision. That decision can do one of two things: contribute to your comfort or nudge you forward to something even better. But why is it so hard? Why do we hate letting go? My head knows that I am always connected to my loved one through my memories, but my heart feels the pain of not having t…

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Scaredy Cats Are Not Just For Halloween. Here’s How to Conquer Your Fears Year ‘Round

By Ann LeachNABBW's Associate for Loss and Change “You’re just a scaredy cat,” she’d say to me when I was in eighth grade gym class. I didn’t like it, but she was right. I was afraid of the…By Ann LeachNABBW's …By Ann LeachNABBW's Associate for Loss and Change “You’re just a scaredy cat,” she’d say to me when I was in eighth grade gym class. I didn’t like it, but she was right. I was afraid of the balance beam and just knew I would fall to my death if I even got on the thing. How I wish that would have been the only fear I would have had to face in my life! But if we had known there was more to come, would we have been any better prepared? As we move our calendar pages closer to the end of the year,  I find myself coaching lots of clients about coping with their fears. The fear …

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Given That Loss and Change Are Constants in Life, Why Is It So Hard to Let Go Of That Which No Longer Serves Us?

By Ann LeachNABBW's Associate for Loss and ChangeWho else is feeling like our friend Time is playing a game with precious Earth by spinning her around faster and faster just to see who, and what, will…By Ann LeachNABBW's …By Ann LeachNABBW's Associate for Loss and ChangeWho else is feeling like our friend Time is playing a game with precious Earth by spinning her around faster and faster just to see who, and what, will hold on? The errands to run, the work to do, the family to feed, the house to maintain and the relationships to nourish just in one day alone can leave you feeling overwhelmed, upset and exhausted. But what if we didn’t have to hang on to the stuff that no longer serves us?  What if we could just let Time and Earth play their games but know that we don’t have to join in?  What if we could j…

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.